
  • Posted Oct 21, 2008

Help us cross the last bridge!

This Iowa's Premier Destination Trail We're raising funds to cap off the $14. 7 million, 25-mile Ankeny-Woodward Trail — and we need your help! To qualify for matching grant funds, we must raise $550,000 before Nov. 6, 2008! [Update 10/20/08 $350,000 has been raised since July '08. $200,000 more is urgently needed. Thanks to our members who have already given support for this trail!]
  • Stunning 1/2-mile bridge rising 130 feet over the scenic Des Moines River valley
  • Critical segment of two 100-mile trail loops planned for Central Iowa Trail Network
  • Connects to Heart of Iowa Trail, Neal Smith Trail & 4 Mile Creek Trail
  • Links the communities of Ankeny, Sheldahl, Slater, Madrid, and Woodward (see map)and Polk, Story, Boone, and Dallas counties
  • Easily accessible to nearly 1 million people with the potential of enhancing both individual and community wellness and quality of life
The Opportunity at Hand With recent approval of a $1.75 million Vision Iowa grant, trail partners have acquired nearly all of the funds needed for this $14.7 million project! To receive our Vision Iowa grant, we must raise $550,000 (in gifts or pledges) by Nov. 6, 2008. We'll be raising an additional $450,000 by July 2009 to in hopes of completing the entire trail by 2010. Many thanks to the strong partnership of 10 entities (the 5 trail communities, 4 trail counties and INHF) for taking the project this far. We’re now asking YOU—the people and businesses of Iowa—to help us finish the job! How can I help? Every gift to this trail is important! Please give or pledge today using one of the two methods below. If you contribute $25 or more to this trail, you’ll also receive full member benefits in the Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation for a year. Donate online or simply send a check to: Iowa Natural Heritage Foundation 505 Fifth Ave., # 444 Des Moines, IA 50309-2321 (Note "Ankeny Trail" in the memo line) Click the source below for Other great links and project history

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