
  • Posted Aug 5, 2008

The New Iowa bicyclist map has been updated. Order you FREE map today!

Ames, Iowa The 2008 version of the Iowa Transportation Map for Bicyclists is now available. FREE TO THE PUBLIC! Initially published in 2000, this statewide map shows hundreds of miles of multi-use trails that pass through woodlands, prairies and parks – all highlighting the beauty of Iowa’s landscapes. In addition, traffic levels are indicated for all paved roadways so bicyclists can choose the routes that match their level of riding experience and enhance safety. Information highlighted on the back of the map includes trail maps of the state’s largest cities; a summary of Iowa’s bicycling laws; information about 50 multi-use trails that are five miles or longer; cycling safety tips; and contacts, including Web sites, for additional information on cycling in Iowa. In June 2008, some multi-use trails across Iowa were significantly impacted by flooding. Please use the contact information provided in this map to verify the status of the trails you are interested in riding. This information will also be posted on There are a variety of ways to obtain a paper copy or view the map online. Paper copies are being distributed at no charge at the state’s welcome centers. They can also be ordered by calling 515-242-4705 or 800-345-IOWA or by logging on to either or The maps can also be viewed online at either of these sites. The bicycle map was updated in coordination with the state’s metropolitan planning organizations and regional planning affiliations. Also adding input to the publication were the Iowa Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, Iowa Department of Economic Development and members of the public. Milly Ortiz

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