
  • Posted Mar 1, 2007

This seems only appropriate this week... We have experienced Snow, Ice, Rain, High Winds and single digit temps! Have a nice ride!

Not familiar with IceBike? It's worth spending some time on the site if you ride in the winter months! ESPECIALLY if you are riding this week or TODAY!
There are as many different techniques for riding on ice and snow as there are varieties of snow. There are certain common techniques that seem to be useful in many instances. If you are new to ICEBIKING you may find the collected experiences of dozens of other ICEBIKERS from all over the world useful in your first year. These tips were garnered from the mailing list topics. You will also find that your bike handling skills improve remarkably during a winter of riding. You will gain an appreciation for and an ability to judge road conditions. You will get over the "tensed up" rigid riding that so often afflicts new winter cyclists. You will learn to plan your stops, to judge and select the path of most traction. Read it all... Here are just a couple of other good links for IceBike: Wind Chill Chart How Slippery Is It?

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