
  • Posted Jun 10, 2006

FUNdraising event for Dave Halter aka "Cocktail Dave". One of our own is undergoing cancer treatments and to help alleviate some medical costs, his friends and family are hosting a benefit on June 24t

In what was probably the worst week of his life, Dave was assaulted by a group of young men while riding home from work at UPS on the Inner Urban Trail between MLK and 30th Street. In the course of treating his injuries, physicians discovered that Dave had a serious cancer named lymphoma. He has undergone many surgeries and treatments since the assault and the cancer diagnosis.

Dave is currently receiving chemotherapy treatments to address the cancer. While his prognosis is good, the effects of the treatments have made it difficult for him to work his physically demanding job. In addition, his insurance carrier is currently refusing to cover the chemo treatments at a price tag of $2,000 per month because they are provided out-patient an the John Stoddard Cancer Center instead of in-patient in the hospital.

On Saturday, June 24, 2006, we will be hosting a FUNdraiser that will include:
A bicycle ride from Orlondo's on Park Ave. to the Cumming Tap via the Great Western Trail.
A silent auction at Orlondo's on Park beginning at noon and ending at 5:00 p.m.
A chance to register and purchase t-shirts and drink coozies provided by Cumming Tap throughout the day.
Ticket sales are also being offered for a prize drawing to be held on July 1, 2006.If you cannot make it on the 24th of June, you can also donate to Friends in Support of Dave Halter through which is also considered a tax deduction.

We also are looking for any silent auction gifts that can be auctioned on June 24, 2006. If you have the ability to build or create anything, please contact either or Julie Hugo at

Dave Halter and his wife Sherry are long-time RAGBRAI riders, dedicated bicyclists, commuters, kayakers, and proud residents of Beaverdale. Friends in Support of Dave Halter is a group working to alleviate the financial burden suffered by Dave and Sherry as a result of his need for extensive medical treatment since Fall of 2004. Dave and Sherry have helped all of us in many ways and are contributing members of our community.

T-shirts and coozies will be available at the benefit. T-shirts will be at a cost of $10.00 and coozies for $5.00.

Thank you all for coming together to help David Halter and his wife Sherry. It is very much appreciated by Dave, his friends and family.

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  • Modified: May 13, 2012 by ss






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