
  • Posted Jun 8, 2004

...and I'll bet that no one missed me


Man, is the season flying by or what?

Seemed like it was creeping up until Memorial Weekend, and now, after a few tornados roll through the state, we’re packing tons of racing throughout the Midwest and opening up a can ‘o’ whoop@ss on the region!

I was amazed watching the races in Burlington, Muscatine and Rock Island just a few days ago, seeing Team Mack’s Wes Hartman mix it up in the Pro1-2 events, watching Atlas’ Jim Cochran ride away from the rest of us Cat3’s, wondering how Hot Tubes’ Nick Frey would ever break from a race where he is marked up like a three-year old at a Sharpie convention.

Don’t even get me going about DMOS/Mortgage Solutions Lisa Vetterlein raging against the machine in Rock Island… simply amazing. Watch out for great things from her!

Simply stated, fun. It was just fun going out to watch the races, see old friends and mix it up in the Master’s field with college buddies. I’m not telling you how old I am, but yup, it is true.

See you on the road.


+++ Interview
Randy Reichardt
Quixote Cycling Team

Q: Hola ~ thanks for subjecting yourself to one of life’s annoyances, a interview. First off... Reichardt... that name's familiar. Don't you hail from a long line of top athletes?

A: Before I answer your questions I wanted to say that I am flattered that you would ask me for an interview. I look at what you are doing with these interviews and must say that it is a pleasure rather than an annoyance to read them each month. You are connecting different Iowa communities/personalities and improving cycling in general. Allowing people who don't race an inside look at the dynamics that go on in the sport, and how they can get more involved in cycling. I thank you for that.

“No sale is ever final here, because I'm here, I'm Bill Reichardt and I own the store.” (Ed. William ‘Bill’ Reichardt passed away last Tuesday, June 1, 2004.) Some of you might have heard that before. Well I was one of the lucky grandkids that grew up with it. I guess you could say that I do come from a long line of athletes. I don't know my family history very well I do remember some of the many stories that get told at the dinner table or in bars. On my fathers side (Reichardt heritage) my great grandfather was a professional boxer, probably where I get my smarts. Bill, my grandpa, is the MVP of all time for the fullback position at the University of Iowa. He went on to professional football for the Green Bay Packers. This must be where I get my legs from. Bill claims to have broken the pedals off a bike when he was biking passed the Old Capital in Iowa City. Bill married Sue the prettiest women on campus. My father, Doug was to be the starting Quarterback for Iowa his junior year, but blew out his knee in the first game. He has been my lead out man from the beginning of the cycling season and a huge inspiration to me. I can’t say enough about how proud I am of my father, and what a role model he has been; look out for him this year during the time trials. Bill, Doug, and Duke(uncle) hold state champions in handball. From my mother's side (Witt’s), my grandpa (Glen) was a fighter pilot during World War 2 and married a fiery red head (Dee Dee). My mother Debbie was a swimmer for the U of I, and also a cheerleader for the football team. Go figure, a cheerleader and a quarterback hook up and make a great couple. My oldest sister Kristin, was a great swimmer in high school and is going to do her first triathlon with me this year. My other sister, Katie is a natural and has to many accolades to list but here are a few: year after year soccer state champions, Mom was the coach, state champion in track, and soccer for Dartmouth College.

Q: How long has it taken you to go from a Cat5 racer to reach your current level of Cat3? What are your aspirations with the sport?

A: Well I have been a USA Cycling cardholder since 3/26/04. So about 1 month from Cat5 to Cat3. But I did do two races this year on a day pass. My aspirations with cycling all come down to one huge event! Ragbrai ( hahaaha) I am training hard core for it. No, my aspirations aren't for myself, but for the sport in general. I have been in cycling way to short to understand any of my true goals. My strengths get stronger and my weaknesses become strengths each week so I don't know what to expect. I just want to have fun with it. I do aspire to get the word out about this great sport, because it is absolutely ridiculous that the newspapers don't do a better job covering cycling/triathlons/adventure racing/ etc... You know, I hear way to often how there is "nothing to do in Iowa". Here's an idea, Des Moines Register/Press-Citizen put something positive in the paper like these sports, and list them in the SPORTS SECTION, not in the Life section! You have people shedding blood, sweat, and tears next to a picture of “Old lady Doris” and how well her garden is growing this year. I would love to see the papers step up. There is a large base of cyclist in Iowa just look at Ragbrai. I mean come on, The Des Moines Register started and sponsors Ragbrai. You would think at least they would cover cycling races. If you write it they will come.

Q: What is your favorite discipline in bicycle racing and why?

A: Well, my favorite moment in cycling is the sprint finish. It all comes down to this! You can see it! It is right there! The finish line is in your grasp. All that work throughout the race comes down to this moment. Are you going to be a winner or loser? Oh the sprint is a great moment. But my fav. discipline is the "race of truth". The time trial is YOU and all YOU. Plus I am a triathlete and this is my background. Last year I wasn't very good, this year I am probably a better triathlete then I am a roadie.

Q: What is your advice to someone who wants to get started in racing?

A: From what I hear if you have done any of the Tuesday DSM rides or the Tuesday/Thursday rides in Iowa City (College Green Park @ 5:30pm) then your already a racer. Keep you eyes and ears wide open, because everyone out there has something helpful to say. They might not always say it the nicest way so you better get a jump start on growing some thick skin. There is a tremendous amount of talent in Iowa so don't get down on yourself. If you do better with a plan and want to accomplish many goals throughout the year then I recommend a coach. I thought about it this year and realized that I have had a coach for every other sport I have been involved in so why not this one. For road/mountain cycling or getting in shape look up Donny Quixote QCP-Trek For Triathlons/road I recommend JJ Bailey who just got back from Triathlon Worlds with 6th place in his age group and 5th American overall.

If you are a triathlete in or around Iowa City check out University of Iowa Triathlon Team

Q: Finally, you recently signed with a new team, Quixote Cycling (QCP-Trek) Why?

A: I think that Donny Quixote is doing great things for cycling. You have to go check out all the different events that are going on with QCP. If you live in or around Des Moines, show up at one of the events. This is just the first year for QCP and things are only going to get better. This is my first team and many teams will say I took my time picking one. There are many great teams here in Iowa City including:, ICCC (Specialized/Mercy), Atlas, etc..., but I felt that I would make the biggest impact with QCP. They needed a sprinter and I guess I am one. Another factor that influenced me to join was my spring break trip that I planned to go down to Tucson, AZ; It ended up being the first annual QCP-Trek training trip. These guys are great and all working towards different goals throughout the year, but when we race together there is only one goal.

Name: Randy Reichardt
Hometown: Des Moines
Currently: Iowa City
Age: 23
Job Status: Student
Family Status: The women in IC are hot and getting hotter with the weather.
1. Current Bike/Components: She is a 04 Litespeed Vortex: SRM cranks/watts, the rest is full Dura Ace, 303 Zipp
2. Dream Bike/ Components: I would take a 04 Litespeed Blade/Trek TTT for a mistress, but Lady Vortex is still in my dreams.
3. Bike Racing Team: QCP-Trek
4. Fave Race: Anyone I get to race
5. Fave training ride: Tough call maybe Tucson, AZ; Kitt Peak; or Balmorhea, West Texas; or anywhere in Iowa City during the winter, or up in Okoboji, IA this weekend. They are all great memories to me.
6. How I got into cycling: My mom got me into Ironkids triathlons when I was young, then I faded out and did other sports (football, soccer, basketball). A friend, Tim Rypma, challenged me to race him in a triathlon and would not let it die. So, I raced him and beat him by a few steps. I did three the next year but still weighed in around 200 pounds and was in my meathead stage, lifting 5 times a week, until I realized that I was using these muscles for absolutely nothing. So another challenger came along, my father would always kick my ass on the bike, so I started training, then I trained a little more in Chicago during my intern summers, and came back to Iowa City and started riding the group rides on my tt bike. They always tried to drop the guy on the triathlon bike, but couldn't. So I trained during the winter under the direction of JJ Bailey as my coach. In Iowa City I rode with Lee Venteicher, Josh Tack, John Olney, Ryan Nenninger, Jack Piper, Johan Sperando and many more. Then I started racing this year. You have to remember this is my first year so I did just get started. I am looking forward to see who my next challengers are.
7. Recent Accomplishments:
1st Froze Toes
7th Kent Park
1st Altoona RR
1st Water Works Cat 4/5
3rd Water Works Cat 3/4
1st Iowa City RR
1st Old Capital Crit
6th Elite/Pro Race for Sight Triathlon
6th 1,2,3 Gilbert RR
8. Do you use a coach: Yes my coach is JJ Bailey, for both triathlons and cycling. He has helped me all winter long and into the season, answering stupid question after stupid question - Thanks JJ
9. 2004 Goals: Make it to Worlds in Triathlons. Pick up a few sponsors outside of my family :) work as hard as I can for my team, and the sky is the limit.
10. Long term goals: Take my job in Chicago and make some money then raise a family in Des Moines.
11. What is the condition of USA Cycling: I don't know about the condition but we need to get cycling to be a high school sport or a least get the newspaper to recognize it as a sport. Shoot for the stars and hit the moon.
12.What is the condition of Iowa bike racing: I would like to see a huge race weekend in downtown Des Moines. Link it up with the Saturday farmers market, bands, and beer. Let’s wake up the capital and get people excited about going downtown. Josh Lukins, you have the right idea and I would be glad to help.
13. Favorite part about training and racing in Iowa: Meeting the all you crazy roadies. You always have the best stories to tell. Training with Lee and Josh. thanks for putting up with me, and getting a little bit of everything in Iowa weather.
14. What could be improved: We need an interview of the man behind the interview. Marc T. Hollander I am calling you out. (Ed. Yeah, right.)
15. Hobbies: long walks on the beach, reading, and cooking. At least that is what I tell the ladies; Kiteboarding, Triathlons, snow boarding, camping, and anything that is outside.
16.Something that you may not know about me: I am a triathlete not a cyclist.
17.Parting Shot. I have 2 challenges for you all: 1. Each week reset you car speedometer and your bike speedometer and try to put more miles on your bike then on your car. Challenge 2. If you ride the group rides in DSM, make it over to IC and join us for a Tuesday/Thursday ride and vice versa. Encourage the bike to work day. See you on the trails.


Notes from the top:

Memorial weekend wrap: J-Mac the Postie? Apparently, the streets in Burlington were buzzing with the prospects of one of their own getting the call to race with Lance.

Low-carb Jelly Belly: Superman Bergman. Minnesota racer Adam Bergman made a great come-back on Saturday at Snake Alley after doing a Superman on the pavement coming into Burlington on Friday night. Keep up the great work and make us Midwesterners proud on the NRC!!!

Yard Sale: Gap in the P1-2 field at Muscatine: From first place to last place from the gun took over thirty seconds with over 100 racers. Whoa.

I’m a star! My first autograph: It was great to see all the kids, families and fans of the bike races on Memorial Weekend. Here it is…ride your bike, Sam from Middleton… hope you’re the next J-Mac!

It’s Alive! DQ: Union Park Crits: Congratulations and thank you to Donny Quixote for picking up a gaping hole in the Des Moines racing scene and working to build a track-style series at Union Park. I love to see more events and leadership! The more people who show make it all the more enjoyable ~ see you out there!

Of course, I couldn't pass this one up... Uber-junior Nick Frey apparently met with a few 'doctors' in France before Memorial Weekend to install a top-secret 'endurance device' in his ring finger. Don't be fooled by the bandages... he's hiding more horsepower in that finger than a team of Cat1's... apparently they sent him back to Philly last week for more testing. We'll see how the upgrades work for him in a few weeks.


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