Grants to aid trails, scenic projects
Posted Aug 25, 2002
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[editor note: This is somewhat old news, but wanted to reinterate reagrding the trail monies...]
Ames, Ia. - The Iowa Transportation Commission has awarded $5.3 million in federal grants to groups statewide to construct recreational trails, to beautify roadsides, and to pursue scenic and environmental projects.
Most of the money, $4.3 million, is from a program established by Congress to enhance the nation's transportation system. The remaining $1 million is from the federal trails program.
Here is a list of the projects, which were approved this week:
Allamakee County - Improvements on an 11-mile stretch of the county's trail system from New Albin to Lansing along Iowa Highway 26, $965,000.
Coralville - Clear Creek Greenbelt Trail: Phase Three improvements to connect the end of the trail at 22nd Avenue and the existing trail south of Coral Ridge Mall, $214,302.
Dubuque - Heritage Trail Riverfront Extension Project: Completion of a five-mile off-road section of the trail extension by linking the Heron Pond Wetlands Nature Trail with the Dubuque Jaycees Trail via the 16th Street bridge, $233,000; Riprow Valley Trailhead: Acquisition of six acres as a trailhead for an extension of the Dubuque Heritage Trail, $123,548.
Grinnell - A project to purchase and do engineering work for the historic Spaulding Buggy Works and Automobile Factory Complex, which contains four nationally registered historic structures and is in danger of demolition, $308,000.
Iowa Department of Natural Resources - Purchase of snowmobile trail grooming machines for use by local clubs and county conservation boards, $160,000.
Iowa Department of Transportation - Assistance to small communities to re-establish native landscape along transportation corridors, $400,000.
Jackson County - Construction of a 9,440-square-foot tourist information center along U.S. Highway 61, within the Hurstville wetland and native prairie complex, $490,898.
Jones County - Grant Wood Trail: Phase Two improvements including construction of a wooden bridge west of Olin and the addition of a trail, $217,520.
Mahaska County - Bluff Creek Park: Off-highway vehicle trailhead project, including two shelters, handicapped access, toilet and drinking water, $81,120.
Marshalltown- Linn Creek-Grimes Farm Trail: Development of a 2.2-mile trail linking the Grimes Conservation Farm in central Marshall County with Morris Park, $435,300; Nicholson-Ford off-highway vehicle area: Development of a 110-acre area for dirt bikes and all-terrain vehicles, $30,682.
Sioux City - Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail: One-mile trail along the Missouri River that will connect three miles of designated trail beginning at Chautauqua Park in the south with six miles of designated trail that begins in Riverside Park, $400,116.
Story County - Heart of Iowa Nature Trail: Phase Six development of 1.5 miles of trail from one mile west of Collins into the Collins Trailside Park, $91,119.
University of Northern Iowa - Purchase of prairie grass and wildflower seed, $188,947.
Waterloo-Hudson - Sergeant Road Trail: Hard surfacing 7.5 miles from University Avenue in Waterloo to Dale Drive in Hudson, $203,245.
Woodbine - Phase Two of a rehabilitation and restoration project along the historic Lincoln Way, from Third to Seventh streets, $807,000.
Des Moines Register Staff Writer