
  • Posted Apr 14, 2013

Want to get the best BBQ along the High Trestle Trail? Try Saddles BBQ Bistro in Madrid.

Please welcome Saddles BBQ Bistro to the BIKEIOWA Team!

We know that nothing beats a good meal after a bicycle ride.

Saddles BBQ Bistro opened on April 12th 2012 and is locally owned by Lisa and Andy Timm. Their friend (now manager and chef), Bryan was into BBQ competitions and they saw a niche market and a need for good BBQ for locals and cyclists to visit in Madrid.

After several brainstorming sessions regarding what to call their new restaurant, they came up with "Saddles BBQ Bistro" which seems appropriate since the High Trestle Trail caters to both Bike and Horse Saddles... We love the name!

Check out this bicycle-friendly business' photos below.


They offer slow smoked sandwiches, salads with a BBQ twist, and appetizers that make you go MMMMMM! All their sides are homemade. Check out their online menu.

To-Go Orders? You bet! Stop by, grab some BBQ to-go and enjoy lunch on the High Trestle Trail overlook.

Catering? Yes they do!


Daily - 11:00 am - 9:00pm - 7 days a week.


We are located in the heart of Madrid, IA on S. State St one block north of the High Trestle Trail. So, you can run, walk, or bike in from the High Trestle Trail. Take the paved alley just two blocks West of the Flat Tire Lounge. Or just drive in, only 2 blocks West of Hwy 17 and 1 block South of Hwy 210.

Saddles BBQ Bistro
203 S State Street
Madrid, IA 50156 MAP
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