
  • Posted Nov 5, 2012

Rad bicyclist and runners will gather food to donate to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank.

Cedar Falls, Iowa. – Bike Tech, Mulligan's Brick Oven Grill and Pub, and the Cedar Valley Association for Soft Trails (CVAST) will be hosting the 4th Annual Cedar Falls Cranksgiving on November 10, 2010 at 11:00am at Mulligan's Brick Oven Grill & Pub (205 E 18th St., Cedar Falls).

Cranksgiving functions as a one day charity food drive, done by cyclists in a period of 2 hours. It is a low key bike ride, where bicyclists are given a list of 10 required items to be purchased within a circuit of grocery and convenience stores. The first person who returns to the finish line with all the items required and receipts to prove the purchases will win. There is no entry fee for this event, and all the food collected will be donated to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank. We are offering an option for runners to participate in this event with a reduced list of items, so they also can join the cause. A bicycle, helmet and a small backpack are required to ride. Free shirts, will be provided to the first 50 participants who register at 11:00am. Ride and Run will start at 11:30am.

The intention of our bike ride, Cranksgiving, is to make sure the less fortunate can have a decent meal over the Thanksgiving holiday, Cranksgiving is an annual charitable cycling holiday across the country, and we want to become part of such a great way to contribute to the Northeast Iowa Food Bank and the less fortunate in Northeast Iowa.

We are encouraging you to join us and ride your bike or run for a fun, noble cause. Together we can make a huge difference, and help make Thanksgiving possible to those families in need of help.

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Thanks to all 108 participants, for donating $285, and 1351 pounds of food collected. The Northeast Iowa Food Bank is very thankful to each of you for making a difference in the Cedar Valley!

#1 - redgie posted Nov 13, 2012

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