
  • Posted Feb 26, 2011

2011 Fat Tire Fun Rides

Join us for the 2011 Fat Tire Fun Rides! All Fat Tire Fun rides kick off at El Bait Shop. Each ride utilizes one of the best trails systems in the nation while making sure we stop along the way for some New Belgium goodness. March 12th will be the first one! We know the weather can be sketchy in March, but we still plan to have a good time. We'll have folks on hand to talk about Des Moines trails, B-Cycle and maybe even a sneak peek at the new site. Plenty of New Belgium goodies will be available too! April we kick off with BIKEIOWA Blitz / Appreciation party as we fire up the 2011 cycling season! Route to be determined! THANKS to el Bait Shop, Iowa Beverage Systems and New Belgium for hosting these rides! Stay tuned here for more updates. All rides are posted on the BIKEIOWA Calendar. Check 'em out!


2011 New Belgium Fat Tire Cruiser

Add your name to the pot every time you attend a Fat Tire Fun Ride. The more Fat Tire Rides you show up at, the better your chance of winning a 2011 New Belgium Fat Tire Cruiser on October 15th. If you win, you will belong to the coveted "I Own A New Belgium Cruiser Facebook group". Sorry, if you won before, you are not eligible again, but don't let that stop ya from coming with your fat-tired steed...

2011 Urban Assault Ride

The Urban Assault Ride™ is the biggest bicycle scavenger hunt series in the nation and they are coming back to Des Moines on August 28th! The 1st UAR in Des Moines was the biggest inaugural UAR ever....and more beer was consumed than any other event. In 2011, we very well experience the biggest UAR in the world. You better be there. We're capping at 1500, so sign up ASAP! If you were there last year, we know you will be back. If you missed last year, we know you heard about it, saw photos and heard folks talkin' non-stop about it. We know you've already signed up to ensure you have a spot this year! Pass the word! But only after you have signed up! We know the Des Moines Urban Assault Ride can be the biggest one in the world!

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