
  • Posted Feb 19, 2010

BIKE TO WORK WEEK 2010 WILL OFFICIALLY OPEN ON APRIL 3rd 2010 Mark your calendars now. Bike to Work Week 2010 May 17-21 across Iowa.

STATEWIDE Save the date: Bike to Work Week, May 17-21 Even though the snow hasn't melted, the Iowa Bicycle Coalition is busy promoting 2010 Bike To Work Week on May 17-21 across Iowa. Bike to Work Week is a celebration of commuting to work by bicycle. Many first time bike commuters use Bike To Work Week as a target to give bicycle commuting a try. The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is partnering with to for an online pledge and registration system. Persons can visit the website and sign the pledge. Statistics for fuel savings, total mileage, and which employers have the most bike commuters are posted on the website. is the place to go for Bike to Work information. 2009 data still shows. 2010 activities will be added over the next couple of months. Last year, 2395 Commuters registered for Bike to Work Week, 716 Employers participating in Bike to Work Week, 114 Cities were represented, 539 (22%) were 1st time commuters. Approximately 63,188 commuting miles were pledged, 3,510.40 gallons of gasoline will be saved, with a overall savings of $7,336.83. The Iowa Bicycle Coalition hopes to see double the amount of Bike To Work Week participants with a larger state-wide effort. Several communities across Iowa are beginning to celebrate Bike To Work Week. As the effort increases, so do the amount of people using bicycles for transportation. The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is launching an survey to collect information on what employers need to make Bike To Work Week a success. The Bike To Work Employer Survey is at Opportunities to sponsor Bike To Work Week are still available. Contact the Iowa Bicycle Coalition at 515.309.2867 for more information. **** The Iowa Bicycle Coalition is a state-wide bicycle advocacy organization with 1150 members throughout Iowa. The Iowa Bicycle Coalition builds partnerships, educates Iowans, and helps to establish safe and enjoyable bicycle transportation and recreation networks throughout Iowa. For more information visit Best rides, Mark Wyatt Iowa Bicycle Coalition P.O. Box 5562 913 2nd Street Coralville, IA 52241 515-309-2867 office 319-936-4948 cell Join the Iowa Bicycle Coalition at

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