Hosted by Beaverdale Bicycles, The Des Moines Bicycle Collective, Cooney's, Beaverdale Confection, Beaverdale Neighborhood Association and T-Shirt Graphix
Tuesday, December 8th, Beaverdale Bicycles along with The Des Moines Bicycle Collective, Cooney's, Beaverdale Confection, Beaverdale Neighborhood Association and T-Shirt Graphix are hosting the Beaverdale Holiday Lights Bike Ride. A leisurely bike ride through the Beaverdale neighborhood to enjoy the holiday lights and one anothers company. The ride will start at Beaverdale Bicycles at 6:30pm and end at Cooney's when ever we get there. Final route and any other details will be forthcoming. Costumes and Bike decorating are highly encouraged. Feel free to stop in early at the bike shop where we will have goodies and raffles. You can also pre-order short sleeve and long sleeve t-shirts through our site. All proceeds benefit the Des Moines Bicycle Collective (Click on picture above)