YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.
Sat Jun 04 2005
11 AM - Till the cows come home
Cant miss the bar, right on the only street that goes through town.
Pisgah (Western Iowa), IA
Party Ride
Distance - Approx. 28 miles by bus or bike
A whole lot of fun! Enjoy some Pucker shots and beers with us! Short distance between stops, great small-town bars! For those who need it, there is room to pitch a tent or sleep in your car near the bar in Pisgah. Last year they had a band that night, unsure if they are planning one this year.
Start out at the Sportsman Bar in Pisgah, make our way to FatBoys in Moorehead, on to Midway Tavern in Soldier (with contests on the stripper's pole!) and then make our way back to Pisgah.
Cant miss the bar, right on the only street that goes through town.
Sportsman Bar
Pisgah (Western Iowa), IA MAP
Just show up! Pucker Bus will be along for bike and booze support.