YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.
Fri Jun 24 2005 - Sun Jun 26 2005
whenever you feel like it - ???
Rabbit's Bar
Grinnell, IA
Party Ride
Distance - Friday depends where you start. Sat. approx. 24 miles
bagger ride
Since Richy isn't hosting the Human Bike In, we decided we're going anyway! As most of you know, the fun is on Friday on the ride out. There's no official route but if you're coming from Des Moines, most go through Bondurant and catch the Chitaqua Bike trail to Baxter and then take HWY 14 to Newburg then south into Grinnell. There's camping at the city park and showers at the pool. On Saturday enjoy a leisurely ride to Gilman and back to Grinnell (no since killing ourselves). If you've ever done this ride before, you know the routine.
Rabbit's Bar
4th st
Grinnell, IA MAP
There is no official registration. This is totally a self-contained ride with no support! Just friends getting together to keep the Human Bike-In alive and well.