

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Fri Aug 09 2013 - Sun Aug 11 2013 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


Greene County Courthouse Square
Jefferson, IA


Cyclists Of Greene



Distance - N/A

NOTE:  The Iowa Bicycle Festival was set for May 25th until rain storms put a kabosh on the festival. The rain date of August 10th is  now set for this event. We hope you can come to Jefferson that weekend!  Also note, some of the wording and speakers may be incorrect. See this Feature for an updated Scheduled of Events.

The Iowa Bicycle Festival "celebrates the bicycle and those who ride it!"  Last year at the first festival, more than 600 people turned out around the courthouse square in Jefferson IA for all kinds of biycling activiies.  And on May 25 -- the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend --the second annual festival will be much bigger and better!

The 2013 Iowa Bicycle Festival will be bigger and better than the first Iowa Bicycle Festival held in 2012. Whether it's a parade, a juried art show, a steel band, food vendors, bike vendors, a fashion show or working with a graffiti artist to paint a team bus, everything about the Festival is FUN. It will be fun for all ages!

Coordinating the event are members of the Cyclists Of Greene (COG), the bicycle club in the county, but they draft other volenteers to help, too.


You can watch for updates at  But we can already promise you'll see -- and can take part in -- these events:


--Bike rides beginning at 8 a.m. on the Raccoon River Valley Trail and Greene County roads.

--An 11 a.m. bike parade, open to all riders, led by the RAGBRAI bus of Team Kum & Go from the Des Moines area, featuring other team buses and all different kinds of bikes, many of them decorated and with costumed riders.  We hope to have a marching band, too.

--Juried art show, with significant cash prizes, featuring bicyle art from artists across the Midwest.

--A graffiti artist leading volunteers in painting a RAGBRAI team bus.

--Bicycle "tricks & treats" for riders of all age, even making fruit smoothies by pedaling a bike.

--A show of classic bicycles, with prizes.

--Bicycling history comes live at the Greene County Historical Museum.

--A bicycle fashion show, featuring all the latest styles in cycling apparel and live models.

--Top speakers on bicycling topics.

--BMX exhibition and possibly a competition.

--A "bicycle literary hour," with readings and possibly an author.

--Live music, includng a steel drum band.

--Easy-riding, guided bicycle tours of Jefferson.

--And, of course, lots of great food and snacks!

 Click on the Full Scheduile of Events below


The Iowa Bicycle Festival will happen across Jefferson, pop. 4,500, with the focus being the courhouse square.


Greene County Courthouse Square

114 N. Chestnut Street
Jefferson, IA 50129


Most of the festival is free.


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last year the parade was so short I went around 4 times.

#1 - clunker posted May 9, 2013

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