
  • Posted Mar 6, 2012


The cycling team would like to request the presence of you and 4 teammates for The Gents Race 2.0 on April 7, 2012.

What’s a Gents Race? Glad you asked! Here you go:

Or, to directly quote the folks at Rapha that started the whole concept (and that we’ve blatantly stolen it from): ‘I sold it to the racers as an unsupported, unsanctioned, unmarshalled,
five-rider team time trial meets alley-cat, meets ‘Cannonball Run’…….

So there you have it. 5 teammates (friends), racing for nothing more than pride over the roads north of Ankeny. 75 (or so) miles of mostly gravel. Winners get nothing but pride and high-fives. No money to enter, no money to win.



30 Teams started. 22 finished. Congrats to Team Jagbag Assasins with a winning time of 3:46. Click on the photo below for full results.


  • 4/1/12 - 12:27pm. It's Official. 28 teams will tow the start line. Captains will be sent emails soon regarding start times and other race details.


Yes: No cheating. No working with/drafting off of other teams. All teammates must stay together at all times. No bad attitudes. No outside support. Be Gentlemen (or ladies).

Start time will be at 8AM. STAGING will be at Kyle’s Bikes in Ankeny, Iowa. Do NOT park in his immediate parking lot!

There will be a small ride to get to the START LINE. Remember, there WILL be a staggered start for each team. First team goes off at 8AM, with each remaining team rolling out at equally spaced intervals yet to be determined.

You are responsible for YOU-you are doing this event at YOUR risk. For you, by you. Take care of yourself. Ride smart. Roads will be open to traffic. Dogs will come say hello. Miles will add up. NO neutral support. NO sag wagon. NO power food sponsorship. Again, you are doing this BY CHOICE.

There will be a mandatory checkpoint at or around the race halfway point. Here, you will also have access to your drop bag (one per team).

Your TEAM CAPTAIN will register the complete team below. We are shutting it down at midnight on March 31, 2012. You must be registered by then or no gents for you. Time penalties will occur for any changes to your roster AFTER march 31. No exceptions.


I have a Team of 5. Cool - Register below

I have a Team but need one or more person. Almost there - You can request a teammate via our Facebook Page.

I am looking for a Team. Sure Thang.- You can put you name out via our Facebook Page.


The ONLY correspondence going out to your team will go to your TEAM CAPTAIN, it’s their responsibility to relay information to you.
General information and updates about The Gents Race can always be found at

We will send you your assigned start time on or around April 4th.

Questions, concerns or issues? We’re here to help.

Rob (
Kyle (
Bruce (


SORRY, the online registration is closed.

  • Author:
  • Posted By:
  • Modified: Feb 27, 2013 by ss





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