If you hadn't noticed, the Polk County Sheriff Dept was out with a vengeance today on HTT. Quite a few tickets were issued for stop sign runners. As much as I hate to say it, one of the deputies was really over the top. Very rude and beligerant. One innocent rider ended up with a $280 ticket because she had the "gall" to ride away while he was still talking to her. I understand and respect the safety aspects, but this guy was way over the line. It seems like more progress could be make through some safety awareness campaign than some power trip.
#27 - biker102 posted Aug 15, 2012
#26 - WilsonRidez posted Jul 4, 2012
#25 - SingingSingleTracker posted Jun 11, 2012
#24 - ss posted Jun 9, 2012
#23 - sean posted Jun 8, 2012
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