
  • Fri October 27 2006
  • Posted Oct 27, 2006
Public Comments Solicited for Goals and Objectives of the Central Iowa Bicycle and Pedestrian Trails Plan DES MOINES, Iowa – October 27, 2006 – The Des Moines Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) Central Iowa Bicycle-Pedestrian Roundtable (Roundtable) will hold a public input meeting, to gain input on the goals and objectives of the Central Iowa Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan and to gain an understanding of overall themes and concerns of the citizens at 7:00 p.m., Thursday, November 9, 2006, in the City of Carlisle City Hall. The Roundtable is developing a plan for the future of bicycle and pedestrian facilities in the Des Moines Area MPO Planning Area and in the surrounding counties. The study area includes Boone, Dallas, Madison, Marion, Polk, Story, and Warren Counties. Trails are used for a wide range of purposes. This plan will attempt to balance planning trails as transportation and recreation facilities. It has been shown through various studies that the majority multiuse trail users are seeking a recreation experience but this plan will also include a large focus on trails as transportation. Trails may serve as one or more of the following roles: recreation, transportation, commuting, economic development tool, and fitness where the plan will address, but is not limited to, trails as off-street paved multiuse paths, sidewalks, on street bikeways, and dirt trails. The public meeting will be conducted utilizing an open forum format. Interested individuals are encouraged to attend the meeting to express their views, identify goals and objectives, offer suggestions and ask questions. Written statements will be accepted at the public meeting or may be faxed to the Des Moines Area MPO at (515) 334-0098; emailed to; or mailed to the Des Moines Area MPO, Merle Hay Centre – 6200 Aurora Avenue, Suite 300W, Urbandale, IA 50322-2866. If anyone has questions or comments, please contact Zac Bitting by telephone at 515.334.0075 or by e-mail at

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