
  • Posted Oct 14, 2014

The Iowa Transportation Commission approved $5,514,307 for 12 State Recreational Trails Program projects on Tuesday October 14th 2014. These are the projects that did not get funded.

The Iowa Transportation Commission approved $5,514,307 for 12 State Recreational Trails Program projects on Tuesday October 14th 2014.

Read about the 12 Trails Projects that got funded

In total there were 56 recreational trail applications and 1 existing historical trail bridge application received. The trail applications requested amount was $26,855,739 and the bridge amount was $500,000. The total trails project cost was $54,089,929 and bridge total cost was $3,740,000.

What about the 45 trail projects that did not get funded?

We wanted to know more and here are the details. We know that there is only so many funds to get allocated each year and we believe the "right 12 projects" we chosen this year. But as you look through the list of projects that were not chosen, you can imagine the tough decisions that had to be made to leave these projects in a "non-funded" status.

Iowa - We are proud! You can see that Iowa is on the right track to be named "Trails Capital of the World". We suspect all these projects will happen over time and we will do what we can to promote them all.

Projects that did NOT get funded (full details are listed below).

  1. 13. 2015-2016 Bridge Rehabilitation Program 6th Street Bridge over Squaw Creek (Ames)
  2. 14. Ankeny Market and Pavilion - Restroom Facility (Ankeny)
  3. 15. Bettendorf Mississippi River Trail - Riverdale Border to Pigeon Creek Park (Bettendorf)
  4. 16. Big Sioux River Trail and Rail Walk Trail Network: Milwaukee Railroad Shops Historic District (Siouxland Historical Railroad Association and Sioux City)
  5. 17. Carroll Recreational Trail Phase I (Carroll)
  6. 18. Central Iowa Trails Wayfinding Signage Implementation (Iowa Heartland Resource Conservation & Development)
  7. 19. Chichaqua Valley Trail Repair (Jasper County Conservation Board)
  8. 20. City/County Connector Trail (Council Bluffs)
  9. 21. Clarinda Community Trail; Phase 1 (Clarinda and Clarinda Community Trail Committee)
  10. 22. Connecting Fort Madison! Phase I Bluff Road to Ivanhoe Park (Fort Madison )
  11. 23. Davis County Regional Trail: Phase 1 (Bloomfield and Davis County Trails Council)
  12. 24. Extension of Plum Creek Bike and Nature Trail to Split Rock Park (Chickasaw County Trail Committee)
  13. 25. Fayette-Volga River Multi-Use Trail (Upper Iowa University and Fayette)
  14. 26. Gay Lea Wilson Trail East Extension (Altoona and Bondurant)
  15. 27. Gay Lea Wilson Trail - East - Segment 3 (Bondurant)
  16. 28. Gear Avenue Trail - Phase I (West Burlington)
  17. 29. Gypsum City Off Highway Vehicle Park (Iowa Department of Natural Resources and Webster County Improvement Corporation)
  18. 30. Heart of Iowa Nature Trail Phase 9 - Hard Surfacing Cambridge to Huxley (Story County Conservation Board and Huxley)
  19. 31. Heritage Trail (Dubuque County Conservation Board)
  20. 32. High Trestle Trail - SW Ordnance Road Connection (Ankeny)
  21. 33. Hoover Nature Trail Construction - Ely to Johnson County Line (Linn County Conservation Board and Ely)
  22. 34. Iowa Great Lakes Connection Trail Phase 2 (Spencer)
  23. 35. Iowa River Trail - Benton Street to Sturgis Ferry Park (Iowa City)
  24. 36. Iowa River Trail - Coralville Section (Coralville)
  25. 37. Jones Pasture Trail (Dickinson County Trails Board)
  26. 38. Lake Belva Deer Area Trail Segment (Keokuk County and Keokuk County Highway Department)
  27. 39. Liberty Trail (Independence)
  28. 40. Mt. Pleasant City-Wide Trail Network: Crossroads Trail Connection (Mount Pleasant and SE Iowa Regional Planning Commission)
  29. 41. Neal Smith Trail Renovation and Widening (Des Moines)
  30. 42. Nishna Loop Pedestrian Trail (Carson)
  31. 43. North Park Trail Development (Asbury)
  32. 44. Norwalk Phase One W. North Ave Trail Connection (Norwalk)
  33. 45. Q-Pond Park Trail System (Osceola and Osceola Chamber Main Street)
  34. 46. Raccoon River Valley Trail Paved Road Crossings (Guthrie County Conservation Board)
  35. 47. Raccoon River Valley Trail to High Trestle Trail Connector (Dallas County Conservation Board)
  36. 48. River Forest Road Levee Bike Trail (Evansdale)
  37. 49. Rolling Prairie Trail - Allison to Bristow (Butler County Conservation Board)
  38. 50. Sauk Rail Trail - Swan Lake Segment Resurfacing (Carroll County Conservation Board)
  39. 51. Scotch Ridge Nature Trail (Carlisle)
  40. 52. Trail Construction and Paving - Phase 4 - Cedar Valley Nature Trail (Linn County Conservation Board)
  41. 53. Turkey River Recreational Corridor- Elgin to Gilbertson Park and the Turkey River (Fayette County Conservation Board)
  42. 54. Underwood Trail - Railroad Hwy (Underwood and Pottawattamie County Trail Board)
  43. 55. US 63 Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations (Waterloo)
  44. 56. Walnut Creek Trail - 156th Street to Waterford Road (Urbandale)
  45. 57. Waukee Trailhead Public Art and Amenities (Waukee and Waukee Trailhead Public Art Project Committee)

Project Details

13. Project Name: 2015-2016 Bridge Rehabilitation Program (6th Street Bridgeover Squaw Creek)
Sponsor: City of Ames
Contact: Corey Mellies, P.E., Public Works Operations Manager
515 Clark Avenue
Ames, IA 50010
Description: Includes creation of approximately 1,800 ft. of 5' bike lanes on 6th Street, reconstruction of 660 ft. of 8' shared-use path on the south side of 6th Street. Also includes a pedestrian-activated crosswalk warningsignal at Brookside Park and bike signals and bike boxes at the 6th and
Brookridge/Hazel intersection. Total project length approximately 0.25 mile.
Total Cost: $2,870,000
Requested Amo unt: $ 141,255 (5%)
14. Project Name: Ankeny Market and Pavilion - Restroom Facility
Sponsor: City of Ankeny
Contact: Nick Lenox, Director of Parks and Recreation
210 South Ankeny Blvd.
Ankeny, IA 50023
Description: Restroom facility for the Ankeny Market & Pavilion; High Trestle Trail Trailhead.
Total Cost: $2,161,382
Requested Amount : $ 245,000 (11%)
15. Project Name: Bettendorf Mississippi River Trail - Riverdale Border to Pigeon Creek Park
Sponsor: City of Bettendorf
Contact: Steve Grimes, Parks and Recreation Director
Bettendorf City Hall 1609 State Street
Bettendorf, IA 52722
Description: 19,750 linear feet of which 4,500 is separated trail This project
provides an alternative to MRT trail users traveling along US 67
widened shoulder with over 9,300 ADT. The project includes building a
separated recreational trail from Fenno Road at the
Riverdale/Bettendorf border to Crow Creek along the north side of US
67. A separated trail bridge will be built over Crow Creek and a path will
be constructed under US 67 on the east side of the creek. A separated
path will be built on the south side of US 67 to 62 Street Court.
SHARROW'S will be marked on 62nd Street Court, Shoreline Drive and
Schutters Lane to Pigeon Creek Park and Eagles Landing where
reconstruction of an existing nonconforming trail will occur along the
Mississippi to aid recreational, family/disabled users with direct river
Total Cost: $920,000
Reque sted Amount: $690,000 (75%)

16. Project Name: Big Sioux River Trail and Rail Walk Trail Network: MilwaukeeRailroad Shops Historic District
Sponsor: Siouxland Historical Railroad Association
Contact: Larry Obermeyer, Board Chair and President
PO Box 1355
Sioux City, IA 51102
Co-Sponsor: City of Sioux City
Contact: Angel Wallace
Parks and Recreation Manager
405 6th Street
Sioux City, IA 51102
Description: This multi-faceted project involves (1) the construction of a 10-foot
wide, paved off-road portion of the Big Sioux River Trail, approximately
a 1/2 mile in length; (2) development of a one mile hard surfaced Rails-
to-Trail interpretive loop walking/hiking trail network within the
boundaries of the Milwaukee Railroad Shops Historic District; and (3)
installation of a trail head and terminal with paved parking.
Total Cost: $559,268
Requested Amount : $363,524 (65%)
17. Project Name: Carroll Recreational Trail Phase I
Sponsor: City of Carroll
Contact: Jack Wardell, Parks and Recreation Director
112 E. 5th Street
Carroll, IA 51401
Description: The proposed project would connect Northeast Park and Veterans
Memorial Park in the City of Carroll. The trail length is approximately 1.2
Total Cost: $479,000
Requested Amount : $229,000 (48%)

18. Project Name: Central Iowa Trails Wayfinding Signage Implementation
Sponsor: Iowa Heartland Resource Conservation & Development
Contact: Gay Lea Wilson, President
Warren County Admin. Bldg.
301 N. Buxton, Suite 202
Indianola, IA 50125
Description: Iowa Heartland Resource Conservation & Development has
brought together 17 counties and cities in a partnership to implement
the Central Iowa Trail (CIT) Communications Media plan. The goal of
the plan is to have a consistent, iconic, recognizable, unifying, cross-
jurisdictional, high-quality complete signage system for the Central Iowa
Trails network. This project includes the turn-key implementation of the
following signage components: 28 Information Hubs (InfoHub), 15
Information Panels (InfoPanel) and 93 Directional Standards. "Turn-
Key" refers to the fabrication, materials, labor, individualized graphic
design for mapping and interpretation, bidding, construction
observation, construction staking and contract administration.
Total Cost: $1,404,300
Requested Amount : $1,053,225 (75%)
19. Project Name: Chichaqua Valley Trail Repair
Sponsor: Jasper County Conservation Board
Contact: Keri Van Zante
1030 W 2nd Street South
Newton, IA 50208
Description: A 3.7 mile section of the Chichaqua Valley Trail needs to be
repaired to keep the connectivity of this important rail trail that links
Baxter with Bondurant, and soon with Des Moines, Ankeny and
Pleasant Hill. The HMA on this section of trail cracked open deep into
the base during the summer of 2012. Spring of 2013, the Jasper County
Conservation Board pulverized the trail to keep users safe from
accidents and injury. A new asphalt surface is needed to repair the trail
back to its original condition.
Total Cost: $422,933
Requested Amount : $317,200 (75%)

20. Project Name: City/County Connector Trail
Sponsor: City of Council Bluffs Parks, Recreation &
Public Property Department
Terry Contact: Hoffman, Project Coordinator
209 Pearl Street
Council Bluffs, IA 51503
Description: The construction of the City/County Connector Trail along
Railroad Highway, from Kanesville Blvd. to the northern Council Bluffs
Corporate Limits. This connection requires only a one mile section of
trail beginning at the city limits and its connection with the County Trail
Board's proposed trail, and terminating at Kanesville Blvd. where it
connects to our existing trail. The current design concept, for this new
trail, utilizes portions of the Railroad Highway shoulder, with other
sections constructed off-road within the existing right of way.
Total Cost: $357,638
Reques ted Amount: $268,229 (75%)
21. Project Name: Clarinda Community Trail; Phase 1
Sponsor: City of Clarinda
Contact: Gary McClarnon, City Manager/Clerk
200 South 15th Street
Clarinda, IA 51632
Co-Sponsor: Clarinda Community Trail Committee
Contact: Randy Pullen
Trail Committee Chair
200 South 15th Street
Clarinda, IA 51632
Description: Construct a one mile long, eight foot wide, concrete trail for
walking, running, and bicycling in order to create a livable community
that offers healthy pathways that are convenient, reliable, safe and
efficient. This goal will be accomplished by the construction of a mile
long trail at the Lied Recreation Center and City Park in Clarinda, Iowa.
By doing this we hope to raise the health rating of Page County, Iowa
and create a healthy culture, programs and partnerships. Future plans
include extending the trail to completely connect the Clarinda
Total Cost: $289,066
Requested Amount : $100,000 (35%)

22. Project Name: Connecting Fort Madison! Phase I Bluff Road to Ivanhoe Park
Sponsor: City of Fort Madison
Contact: Byron Smith, City Manager
811 Avenue E
Fort Madison, IA 52627
Description: This project will be Phase I of the three phase Connecting
Fort Madison! trail project being organized by the City of Fort Madison
and the local trails group Promoting Outdoor Recreational Trails
(PORT) of Fort Madison. Phase I of the project will connect an existing
trail along Bluff Road to an existing trail in Ivanhoe Park via an
approximately 3,000 foot long concrete 10 foot wide multi use path.
Total Cost: $386,350
Requested Amount : $289,763 (75%)

23. Project Name: Davis County Regional Trail: Phase 1
Sponsor: City of Bloomfield
Contact: Carol Ann Taylor, City Clerk
111 West Franklin Street
Bloomfield, IA 52537
Co-Sponsor: Davis County Trails Council
Contact: Jeremy Wilcox, Chairman
202 Parkview Drive
Bloomfield, IA 52537
Description: This project will develop a 0.3 mile section of paved trail on the
north edge of Bloomfield. The trail will use 10' wide concrete and begin
at the trailhead at Mutchler Community Center and travel south near the
public swimming pool and Bloomfield City Park and ball fields. Phase I
ends at Franklin Street south of the ball fields. Upon completion, the
Davis County Regional Trail will be 1.5 miles long and end at the
McGowen Recreation Area, Davis County's premiere park.
Total Cost: $195,000
Requested A mount: $145,000 (74%)

24. Project Name: Extension of Plum Creek Bike & Nature Trail toSplit Rock Park
Sponsor: Chickasaw County Trail Committee
Contact: Bryan O'Day, Committee Chairman
151 W. Main Street
PO Box 318
Fredericksburg, IA 50630
Description: To extend the 4.5 mile trail that currently circles the City of
Fredericksburg. By extending this trail, the users will be able to have a
destination of Split Rock Park and those that use Split Rock Park will
have a trail where they can bike, walk, and jog to Fredericksburg. This
is just one step in connecting the Plum Creek Bike & Nature Trail to
other areas.
Total Cost: $1,038,102
Requested Amount : $ 778,577 (75%)
25. Project Name: Fayette-Volga River Multi-Use Trail
Sponsor: Upper Iowa University
Contact: Andrew Wenthe, Vice President External Affairs
605 Washington Street
PO Box 1857
Fayette, IA 52142
Co Sponsor: City of Fayette
Contact: Christie Dennis, City Administrator/Clerk
11 South Main Street
PO Box 28
Fayette, IA 52142
Description: Upper Iowa University, the City of Fayette, and the IDNR Volga
River State Recreation Area will partner to complete the construction of
a 2.5 mile multi-use recreational trail connecting the City of Fayette with
the IDNR Volga River State Recreation Area in Northeast Iowa. This
trail was started in 2010 and has been completely graded. Currently
over two miles have been paved, but due to challenges during
construction, the trail was not completed. The final half mile requiring
paving will connect 2.5 mile trail with 22 miles of existing trails in the
Volga River State Recreation Area.
Total Cost: $467,292
Requested Amount : $350,469 (75%)

26. Project Name: Gay Lea Wilson Trail East Extension
Sponsor: City of Altoona
Contact: Vern Willey, Community Services Director
407 8th Street SE
Altoona, IA 50009
Co-Sponsor: City of Bondurant
Contact: Mark Arentsen, City Administrator
200 2nd Sreet NE
PO Box 37
Bondurant, IA 50035
Description: A 12' wide paved trail in total, extending approximately 4.9 miles
from the existing trail near the intersection of 8th Avenue SE and 1st
Street E in Altoona to the Chichaqua Valley Trail in Bondurant. This
application includes construction of the Altoona portion and design and
right of way acquisition for the portion in Bondurant from 62nd Avenue
to Brick Street. Grade-separated crossings of I-80 U.S. 65 (Hubbell
Avenue) utilize one barrel of existing triple box culverts under each
Total Cost: $1,835,000
Requested Amount : $1,135,000 (62%)
27. Project Name: Gay Lea Wilson Trail - East - Segment 3
Sponsor: City of Bondurant
Contact: Mark Arentsen, City Administrator
PO Box 37
200 2nd Street NE
Bondurant, IA 50035
Description: Total length is 4,500 ft. This project involves shared roadway
pavement striping for 1,500 feet of Main Street and 3,000 feet of new
10' wide concrete trail on the 5th Street and Grant Street ROW. No
property acquisitions are anticipated. Engineering design costs are
funded entirely with City of Bondurant bond proceeds. The City has
contracted with Veenstra & Kim for trail design. Design should be
completed by fall, 2014. The City hopes to begin construction in Spring,
2015. This trail is Segment 3 of the City of Bondurant section of the Gay
Lea Wilson East Trail - East. The Gay Lea Wilson Trail - East is a
portion of a 31 mile loop which connects Bondurant, Altoona, Pleasant
Hill, Polk County and Des Moines. It will also serve as a local trail to
allow bicycle and pedestrian access to the new Brick Street Market and
Total Cost: $350,000
Requested Amount : $262,500 (75%)

28. Project Name: Gear Avenue Trail - Phase I
Sponsor: City of West Burlington
Contact: Dan Gifford, City Administrator
122 Broadway
West Burlington, IA 52655
Description: This project will be for Phase 1 of the 2 phase Gear Avenue Trail
project in West Burlington. The project will connect to the existing
bicycle and pedestrian system that traverses through the City of West
Burlington and the City of Burlington. It will connect from the west end of
the existing trail system and run north along property adjacent to the
regional medical center and community college. The trail will be a 10
foot wide concrete trail at a length of approximately 2,900 feet.
Total Cost: $350,000
Requested Amount : $262,500 (75%)
29. Project Name: Gypsum City Off Highway Vehicle Park
Sponsor: Iowa DNR
Contact: David Downing, OHV Program Manager
Wallace Bldg.
502 East 9th Street
Des Moines, IA 50319
Co Sponsor: Webster County Improvement Corporation
Contact: Chad Schaeffer, City Engineer
819 1st Avenue South
Fort Dodge, IA 50501
Description: Phase 3 trail development and trail maintenance at the
Gypsum City OHV Park.
Total Cost: $265,559
Requested Amount: $190,559 (72%)

30. Project Name: Heart of Iowa Nature Trail Phase 9 - Hard Surfacing Cambridge to Huxley
Sponsor: Story County Conservation Board
Contact: Carol Williams, Special Projects Ranger
56461 180th Street
Ames, IA 50010
Co Sponsor: City of Huxley
Contact: Travis Bakken, Parks and Recreation Director
515 North Main Avenue
Huxley, IA 50124
Description: This grant would hard-surface the limestone portion of the Heart of
Iowa Nature Trail from Water Street in Cambridge to Highway 69 in
Huxley with concrete or asphalt to bring it to the same standards as
other central Iowa trails. This is approximately 3.8 miles. The surface
would be 10 feet wide, and accommodations will be made to keep the
double-wide trail open to equestrians and snowmobiles.
Total Cost: $871,705
Requested Amount : $650,000 (75%)

31. Project Name: Heritage Trail
Sponsor: Dubuque County Conservation Board
Contact: Brian Preston, Executive Director
13606 Swiss Valley Road
Peosta, IA 52068
Description: The Heritage Trail Hogan Branch Bridge is a 160' timber trestle
railroad deteriorating due to the age of the structure. This project will
replace the aging bridge with a modern concrete bridge to serve the
recreational demand on one of Iowa's most scenic recreational trails.
The Heritage Trail serves as the backbone of the trail system in
Dubuque County and will be severed without immediate replacement of
this bridge.
Total Cost: $309,107
Requested Amoun t: $230,000 (74%)

32. Project Name: High Trestle Trail - SW Ordnance Road Connection
Sponsor: City of Ankeny
Contact: Nick Lenox, Director of Parks and Recreation
210 South Ankeny Boulevard
Ankeny, IA 50023
Description: Extension of the High Trestle Trail south beginning at West 1st
Street and continuing the 10-foot wide multi-use concrete trail in a
southbound direction 0.70 miles along railroad corridor to Ordnance
Road; project includes pedestrian signals at West 1st Street.
Total Cost: $394,000
Requested Amount : $150,000 (38%)
33. Project Name: Hoover Nature Trail Construction - Ely to Johnson County Line
Sponsor: Linn County Conservation Board
Contact: Dan L. Biechler, Executive Director
10260 Morris Hills Road
Toddville, IA 52341
Co-Sponsor: City of Ely
Contact: Aaron Anderson
PO Box 248
1570 Rowley Street
Ely, IA 52227
Description: Construct one mile of trail from Ely City Hall south to the Linn-
Johnson County line. Trail will be 10' wide and hard surfaced. Half of
the trail is within Ely city limits while the other half is in Linn county.
Total Cost: $950,000
Requested Amount : $700,000 (74%)

34. Project Name: Iowa Great Lakes Connection Trail Phase 2
Sponsor: City of Spencer
Contact: Delray Bredehoeft, Parks and Recreation Director
418 2nd Avenue West
Spencer, IA 51301
Description: The proposed project will connect the Spencer Recreation Trail to
the Dickinson County Recreational Trail System. The proposed project
will be 2.2 miles in length and connect the Phase I portion of the project
to the north city limits of Spencer. It will be constructed on a city owned
railroad line that has been abandoned and has been identified as a
future recreational trail.
Total Cost: $749,000
Requested Amount : $561,750 (75%)

35. Project Name: Iowa River Trail - Benton Street to Sturgis Ferry Park
Sponsor: City of Iowa City
Contact: Ron Knoche, City Engineer
410 East Washington Street
Iowa City, IA 52240
Description: This segment of the Iowa River Trail will provide access to South
Iowa City, the University of Iowa campus, and downtown Iowa City, as
well as destinations and parks along the entire 17-mile trail. The total
length of the trail, including underpass below Highway 6, will be
approximately 3,307 feet.
Total Cost: $1,948,000
Requested Amount : $ 500,000 (26%)

36. Project Name: Iowa River Trail - Coralville Section
Sponsor: City of Coralville
Contact: Sherri Proud, Director of Parks and Recreation
1506 8th Street
Coralville, IA 52241
Description: This application is for a section of the Iowa River Trail segment in
Coralville that begins on the north side of Iowa City along Dubuque
Street and ends on the south side of Iowa City at Terry Trueblood
Recreation Area for a total of 17.4 miles. This application is for a section
of trail that is 2,170 linear feet long and includes a bridge over Clear
Creek. It will connect the recently completed segment of the Iowa River
Trail that extends across the Iowa River from the Iowa City Peninsula
neighborhood and runs south along the Coralville riverfront ending at
Clear Creek. The trail connects at this point to the Clear Creek Trail
going west through the southern border of Coralville about 5.2 miles
which is anticipated to be completed to the westerly neighbor of Tiffin
by 2017.
Total Cost: $795,067
Requested Amount : $596,300 (75%)
37. Project Name: Jones Pasture Trail
Sponsor: Dickinson County Trails Board
Contact: Jean Martin, Executive Director
PO Box 304
Okoboji, IA 51355
Description: The objective of this 5,440 foot trail is to extend the existing trail
north on the east shore of Big Spirit Lake to reach the DNR's Angler's
Bay Wildlife Management Area (a future trail will be built through the
beautiful WMA) as well as to create connectivity to the entire Iowa Great
Lakes Trail system through the connection to the East Okoboji Slough
and new Pioneer Beach Road Trails at the south end of Big Spirit Lake.
The new trail will also provide greater safety to users in the area,
avoiding the use of a busy county blacktop road.
Total Cost: $474,944
Requested Amount : $356,208 (75%)

38. Project Name: Lake Belva Deer Area Trail Segment
Sponsor: Keokuk County
Contact: Michael Berg, Chairman
Courthouse, 101 South Main Street
Sigourney, IA 52591
Co Sponsor: Keokuk County Highway Department
Contact: Andrew J. McGuire, P.E., County Engineer
Courthouse - 101 South Main Street
Sigourney, IA 52591
Description: This project will construct a 2.75-mile trail in Keokuk County, Iowa
northeast of Sigourney. The project will connect an existing trail head to
Keokuk County's Belva Deer park, a premiere park and campground
with a 260-acre lake. The land acquisition, environmental review, and
rough grading are completed for this project. This project includes
installation of structures to improve drainage; finish grading to improve
accessibility and provide erosion control; granular surfacing; and
placement of enhancements including tree and prairie grass plantings,
benches, kiosks, and signage.
Total Cost: $585,000
Requested Amount : $438,750 (75%)
39. Project Name: Liberty Trail
Sponsor: City of Independence
Contact: Jon Holland, Councilman
331 1st Street E
Independence, IA 50644
Description: This application provides for hard-surfacing 1.28 miles of the
Liberty Trail in the western portion of Independence. The proposed
design is an 8' wide, 5" thick PCC trail with 2' shoulders.
Total Cost: $200,608
Requested Amount : $150,546 (75%)

40. Project Name: Mt. Pleasant City-Wide Trail Network: Crossroads Trail Connection
Sponsor: City of Mount Pleasant
Contact: Brent Schleisman, City Administrator
220 West Monroe
Mount Pleasant, IA 52641
Co-Sponsor: Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Commission
Contact: Travis Kraus , Regional Planner
211 N. Gear Avenue, Suite 100
West Burlington, IA 52655
Description: The City of Mount Pleasant seeks grant assistance to complete an
integral link of the city-wide trail network. The Crossroads Trail
Connection, a 0.62 mile section along E. Linden Drive and S. Iris Street,
completes a missing link in the existing network, connects residents to
the "north" and "south" parts of town, and greatly increases
opportunities and access for recreation and commerce in the
community. The proposed project is also important to economic
development potential of the adjacent Crossroads Business Park.
Total Cost: $402,505
Requested Amount : $301,879 (75%)
41. Project Name: Neal Smith Trail Renovation and Widening
Sponsor: City of Des Moines Park and Recreation
Contact: Mindy S. Moore, Park Planner II
3226 University Avenue
Des Moines, IA 50311
Description: This project is to re-surface and widen to 12 feet a two-mile
segment of the Neal Smith Trail between Kiwanis Nature Island and
northern city limits. This section of trail was originally constructed in
1982 and has deteriorated over the years while increasing in popularity.
The overall 24.7-mile Neal Smith Trail reaches from Big Creek State
Park on the north to the John Pat Dorrian Trail and downtown Des
Moines on the south, establishing the north-south spine of the 550-mile
Central Iowa Trail System.
Total Cost: $800,000
Requested Amount : $350,000 (44%)

42. Project Name: Nishna Loop Pedestrian Trail
Sponsor: City of Carson
Contact: Brianne Duede, City Clerk
316 S. Commercial Street, Box 218
Carson, IA 51525
Description: Carson proposes construction a 0.65 mile trail with in the City's
existing park system. This would be the first trail within the community
while connecting areas of the community cut off by a river and Hwy 92.
It will later extend to neighboring communities once it can connect to the
Pottawattamie County Wide Trail.
Total Cost: $474,237
Requested Amount : $297,781 (63%)
43. Project Name: North Park Trail Development
Sponsor: City of Asbury
Contact: Jason Thieme, Parks and Recreation Director
5080 Asbury Road
Asbury, IA 52002
Description: The North Park Trail Development will be focused on the
construction of a new trail, which will be integral in the comprehensive
trail network in the City of Asbury. This trail will be approximately 1.2
miles and directly connect four subdivisions to a new park development.
In addition the plans for the new park development include a variety of
amenities, including; a splash pad, rock climbing structures, playground
areas, athletic fields ad pavilions. The trail constructed will be an 8 foot
wide paved surface to allow for walking, running and biking.
Total Cost: $114,608
Requested Amount : $ 85,956 (75%)

44. Project Name: Norwalk Phase One W. North Ave Trail Connection
Sponsor: City of Norwalk
Contact: Josh Heggen, Community Development Director
705 North Avenue
Norwalk, IA 50211
Description: This trail connection brings together two existing trail sections and
future trail plans. The trail is approximately 2,522 feet long. The trail will
be eight feet wide.
Total Cost: $169,103
Requested Amount : $126,103 (75%)
45. Project Name: Q-Pond Park Trail System
Sponsor: City of Osceola
Contact: Ty Wheeler, City Administrator
115 N. Fillmore
Osceola, IA 50213
Co-Sponsor: Osceola Chamber Main Street
Contact: Derek Lumsden , Executive Director
115 E. Washington Street
PO Box 425
Osceola, IA 50213
Description: This project has three separate phases: A gravel pathway has
been started and is being funded locally and slated to be complete by
December 2014. A second phase is being funded through local funds
and a REAP Grant application for start and completion in 2015. The
third phase, as shown in this grant application, will finish the trail system
in the park with work starting spring 2015 and complete by December
Total Cost: $800,000
Requested Amount : $400,000 (50%)

46. Project Name: Raccoon River Valley Trail Paved Road Crossings
Sponsor: Guthrie County Conservation Board
Contact: Joe Hanner, Conservation Director
206 W. South Street
Panora, IA 50216
Description: The proposed project would hard surface the 14 gravel road
crossings along the Raccoon River Valley Trail in Guthrie County which
covers a distance of 18 miles.
Total Cost: $130,000
Requested Amount : $ 97,500 (75%)
47. Project Name: Raccoon River Valley Trail to High Trestle Trail Connector
Sponsor: Dallas County Conservation Board
Contact: Mike Wallace, Director
14581 K Avenue
Perry, IA 50220
Description: This project consists of the design, acquisition, and construction of
a trail connection that will close a gap and complete a "missing link"
between two major trail system attractions in central Iowa (the Raccoon
River Valley Trail and the High Trestle Trail). This project will include
paving a hard surface multi-use recreational trail between Perry and
Woodward (total approximately nine miles). The nine mile trail
connection will be 10 foot wide, with 2 foot wide unpaved shoulders.
Total Cost: $4,689,000
Requested Amount : $3,516,750 (75%)

48. Project Name: River Forest Road Levee Bike Trail
Sponsor: City of Evansdale
Contact: Becky Walters, City Clerk
123 North Evans Road
Evansdale, IA 50707
Description: The proposed project is a safe, scenic 1.5 mile trail along the top
of the Cedar River levee for bicyclists, pedestrians, and other non-
motorized recreational trail users. The proposed project is a critical link
in the Cedar Valley Trail network consisting of 105-mile hard-surfaced
trail and would connect to the 52 continuous miles of the Cedar Valley
Nature Trail. The trail would extend from the existing trail along the
Cedar River at Lafayette Rd & Randall Ave and follow the levee to Park
Road (near the entrance of Deerwood Park & Campground), then turn
east and tie in with the existing trail on Gilbert Dr. The proposed trail
design is a 10' wide, 5" thick PCC trail with 2' shoulders.
Total Cost: $562,000
Requested Amount : $203,000 (36%)
49. Project Name: Rolling Prairie Trail - Allison to Bristow
Sponsor: Butler County Conservation Board
Contact: Mike Miner,Director
28727 Timber Road
Clarksville, IA 50619
Description: Utilizing the former Union Pacific Railroad corridor, the Rolling
Prairie Trail is an emerging trail that will connect the City of Coulter in
Franklin County to the City of Oelwein in Fayette County, encompassing
over 80 miles of trail. This application provides for paving 5.45 miles of
trail from the City of Allison west to the City of Bristow. The proposed
segment will consist of a 10' wide, 5" thick PCC surface with 2' granular
Total Cost: $1,441,094
Requested Amount : $ 750,000 (52%)

50. Project Name: Sauk Rail Trail - Swan Lake Segment Resurfacing
Sponsor: Carroll County Conservation Board
Contact: Jason Christensen, Conservation Director
22676 Swan Lake Drive
Carroll, IA 51401
Description: The proposed project would whitetop resurface the Sauk Rail Trail
around Swan Lake State Park. This trail segment is 3.8 miles and is the
south end of the 26 mile Sauk Trail that connects Swan Lake State Park
near Carroll and Black Hawk Lake State Park at Lake View.
Total Cost: $618,000
Requested Amount : $268,000 (43%)

51. Project Name: Scotch Ridge Nature Trail
Sponsor: City of Carlisle
Contact: Andy Lent, City Administrator
195 North First Street
Carlisle, IA 50047
Description: Connection from the Summerset Trail along 165th Place to the
Scotch Ridge Nature Park at Hwy 5 and Gateway Drive. Trail passes
through Carlisle Aquatic Center, Lindheart Park, Danamere Farms
Conservation Community, Carlisle Middle School, Danamere Farms,
Natural area of the Warren Property, across the North River, and
through the Scotch Ridge Nature Park. Total length 15,121 feet = 2.86
Total Cost: $3,409,525
Requested Amount : $ 750,000 (22%)

52. Project Name: Trail Construction and Paving - Phase 4 - Cedar Valley Nature Trail
Sponsor: Linn County Conservation Board
Contact: Dan L. Biechler, Executive Director
10260 Morris Hills Road
Toddville, IA 52341
Description: Construction and surfacing (paving) of approximately 3.25 miles
(more or less) of the Cedar Valley Nature Trail (from Schultz Road in
rural Linn County to the Central City Road in Center Point). Work
includes re-establishing drainage, clearing and grubbing, grading,
placement of rock base material, surfacing (paving) and native grass
seeding and planting trees and shrubs. The Cedar Valley Nature Trail is
part of the American Discovery Trail (ADT) and part of the regional trail
connections for Eastern Iowa.
Total Cost: $1,100,000
Requested Amount : $ 750,000 (68%)
53. Project Name: Turkey River Recreational Corridor- Elgin to Gilbertson Park and the Turkey River
Sponsor: Fayette County Conservation Board
Contact: Rod Marlatt
18673 Lane Road
Fayette, IA 52142
Description: This project will construct 1) 6,600 linear feet of 8'x6" PCC
recreational trail 2) A 343'x14'8" pretension prestressed beam
pedestrian bridge over the Turkey River. The project will extend the
Turkey River Recreational Corridor Trail, allowing residents and visitors
to move freely and safely in the Turkey River Corridor between Elgin,
Gilbertson Park and between four Turkey River Water Trail accesses. It
will connect to three other trails in the TRRC including a 4.8 mile paved
trail from Elgin to Clermont and the Nims Bridge, 2.5 miles of trail in
Clermont and 7 miles of trails in Gilbertson Park.
Total Cost: $1,136,000
Requested Amount : $ 852,000 (75%)

54. Project Name: Underwood Trail - Railroad Hwy
Sponsor: City of Underwood
Contact: Kelly Groskurth
PO Box 40
218 2nd Street
Underwood, IA 51576
Co Sponsor: Pottawattamie County Trail Board
Contact: Brian Shea
102 West Florence Street
Crescent, IA 51526
Description: The Underwood Trail-Railroad Hwy project will provide a link and
public access to the county-wide trail system that is planned from
Council Bluffs to Neola. The project will be about 1.6 miles in length and
will provide our local residents a safe way to walk/ride along the
highway. Most importantly Underwood's project will connect riders to
miles of trail systems providing for a healthier community.
Total Cost: $338,963
Requested Amount : $254,222 (75%)

55. Project Name: US 63 Bicycle and Pedestrian Accommodations
Sponsor: City of Waterloo
Contact: Jeff Bales, Associate Engineer
715 Mulberry Street
Waterloo, IA 50703
Description: This project is for a 0.9 mile long hard-surface trail from Parker
Street to Franklin Street to be included as part of Phase Two of the US
63 Reconstruction Project, which includes an overpass at the Chicago
Central Railroad line. The proposed design for the ground-level portions
of this trail are 10' wide with a 5" PCC surface and 4" granular subbase,
offset at least one foot from US 63. The design along the overpass
includes a 3' traffic barrier with handrail, an 8' chain link fence, and a
12" reinforced concrete deck.
Total Cost: $1,365,848
Requested Amount : $ 750,000 (55%)

56. Project Name: Walnut Creek Trail - 156th Street to Waterford Road
Sponsor: City of Urbandale
Contact: Jan Herke, Director of Parks and Recreation
3600 86th Street
Urbandale, IA 50322
Description: This 2,700 ft. long concrete trail will be 10 feet wide and will
connect to the trail coming from under 156th Street just north of
Meredith Drive at the south, and continue north along Walnut Creek
through Waterford Park, and connect up to Waterford Road on the
north. This trail will eventually connect to the City of Grimes and Dallas
Center. There will be a bridge constructed as part of this trail project, as
well as a 15 car trailhead parking lot. This trail will also connect to the
north/south regional trail spine which comes through the 200 acre
Walnut Creek Regional Park and Walnut Trace Park on the south (2014
Total Cost: $553,800
Requested Amount : $140,000 (25%)
57. Project Name: Waukee Trailhead Public Art and Amenities
Sponsor: City of Waukee
Contact: Matt Jermier, Director of Parks and Recreation
1205 6th Street
Waukee, IA 50263
Co Sponsor: Waukee Trailhead Public Art Project Committee
Contact: Jim Miller , Project Committee Chair
505 Market Street, Suite No. 300
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Description: The Waukee Trailhead Public Art and Amenities Project is part of
a regional initiative to construct significant public art structures and
related visitor support amenities along the Raccoon River Valley Trail
(RRVT) for the purpose of enhancing the recreational/health, cultural
and economic benefits to be derived from the RRVT system. The
comprehensive project design includes a 350' long lighted main trellis
structure constructed over the existing trail path, a similarly designed
trailhead shelter/plaza structure 23 lighted periphery bollards, parking
lot surfacing a 300' trail/walkway extension, signage, landscaping and a
solar energy system to operate the site's integrated LED night lighting.
The site is located at the southern gateway to the 80 mile RRVT and is
linked to Waukee's city trail system as well as the greater Des Moines
regional trails system. The Waukee trailhead is an important regional
access point for the High Trestle Trail and Bridge for trail users coming
from the south and Des Moines metro area.
Total Cost: $459,705
Requested Amount : $344,779 (75%)

About theState Recreational Trails program

The State Recreational Trails program was created in 1988 with the purpose of developing and maintaining recreational trails and trail-related facilities for both motorized and non-motorized trail users.

This funding is available to cities, counties, state agencies, local governments, and nonprofit organizations through an annual application-based program.






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