
  • Posted May 2, 2012

Come join us for a at-your-own-pace ride through Madison County. Get a close-up view of the famous Bridges of Madison County and the birthplace of John Wayne as well as other scenic sites.

Bike Ride Around Madison County - BRAMCO

June 9th 2012 marks the 16th BRAMCO! Choose an all paved 45-mile or 60-mile route and get a close-up view of the famous Bridges of Madison County and the birthplace of John Wayne as well as other scenic sights in the area. The 45-mile route is through Winterset, St Charles, Truro, East Peru, and for those who wish to ride the long route, you'll ride to Macksburg, before returning to Winterset.

Registration fees include a commemorative t-shirt, and lunch served at the end of the ride. Yes, we have snacks and a sag wagon just in case. Pre-register early for a chance to win 1 of 3 $50 gift certificates for biking equipment or accessories.

Registrations postmarked before May 18, 2012 will be eligible for a chance to win 1 of 3 $50 gift certificates for biking equipment or accessories. Emailed or mailed registrations are accepted.

Register Now | Event Details


Bike Ride Around Madison County (BRAMCO) was started in 1997. It is held annually on the second Saturday of June and has drawn riders from all over. This year’s ride is June 9, 2012. The ride offers not only a fun, scenic ride but a tasty meal and the camaraderie that comes with enjoying a ride with both old friends and friends that you haven’t met yet. The proceeds from BRAMCO are used to support a variety of educational programs and to promote cycling to new riders.

Ride Hosts

The Madison County Cycle Club was formed in 1995 by a small group of friends who were interested in cycling around Madison County and sharing the experience with others. As the club grew, they decided to become involved in promoting the opportunities for others to enjoy cycling in Madison County and experience the many attractions available. Early on, they decided that promoting safe cycling would be one of their primary goals and to this day, it continues to be one of the main focuses of the club.

In addition to promoting safe cycling in Madison County, club members travel extensively to participate in other rides and to experience cycling not only in other parts of the Midwest, but also in other parts of the world. Group rides are planned and enjoyed by all especially rides that are put together on the spur of the moment.

Through the years MCCC has established some long running rides and programs:

  • Bike Ride Around Madison County (BRAMCO) was started in 1997. Check out the event and it's hisotry above.

  • For over 15 years, MCCC has sponsored an annual Bike Safety Program for the second grade class at the Winterset Elementary School. The program includes an entertaining video about bike riding rules and safety. In conjunction with this program. MCCC, along with help from local organizations and bike shops, has provided bike helmets, donated bikes and helmets to be given away to lucky second graders, provided a discount on the purchase of a helmet and offered assistance with the purchase of a helmet for any child who can’t afford one.

  • Concern about a cyclist being injured when encountering a motor vehicle while biking on one of Madison County’s scenic highways led to a partnership with Madison County to install Shared Roadway signs. This was a multi-year project and has led to all of the paved roads in Madison County being signed.

  • MCCC has contributed bike racks to the city of Winterset so riders can have a safe place to park their bikes while commuting around town. The next project for the Club is to further expand the availability of safe bike parking not only in Winterset but in other communities in Madison County and along other central Iowa trails.

  • In the last year, MCCC has established bike collection points in Madison County to gather older, unused bikes and take them to the Des Moines Bicycle Collective. The Collective rebuilds and sells the bikes to the public to raise funds for trail development and cycling education. The Collective has given back to Madison County by donating bikes to the CRISP Program and the Multipurpose Agency. Some of the members of MCCC volunteer their time to help rejuvenate the collected bikes.

The Madison County Cycle Club is a fun-loving group of cyclists who are always looking for others to come and participate in the activities. Meetings are held on the 4th Thursday of the month in Winterset.

We love to ride the county roads and trails in Central Iowa. We have many "Shared Roadways in Madison County. We are working on a new program to welcome riders via the Great Western Trail outside Cumming, Iowa by being the driving force to build a bike trail to link Winterset to the Great Western Trail. We welcome anyone who wants to ride with us on our club rides.

Check out the Madison County Cycle Club: http: You can find more information about MCCC as well as BRAMCO dates, routes, and registration.

For questions about BRAMCO, email or call 515-462-3141

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  • Source:
  • Author: ss
  • Posted By: ss
  • Modified: May 2, 2012 by ss





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