

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Sat Apr 06 2013 8:00 AM - 3:00 PM


Kyle's Bikes
Ankeny, IA


BIKEIOWA Cycling Team


Congratulations to everyone who participated in the Gents Race 3.0!

Just when ya think the flat gravel roads north of Ankeny will be easy, 'ol Mother Nature throws in some wicked winds to keep things interesting. The Temps were perfect, and a few raindrops were felt here and there. And it was flat for the most part, except for a few rollers near the end and the one big paved hill near the start/finish line.

The Gents Race is more than a gravel race. The team camaraderie radiare and dynamics along with the handicap staggered start times really allowed any team to win. One Flat, One Cramp, or one wrong turn on the cue card, can quickly change the results.

We saw it happen all day long as teams leap-frogged each other. We saw teams working together in the wind, and we saw teams who did not. We saw those who were a bit more serious, only stop at the half way point to check-in, switch out water bottle and take off again. Then we saw teams spend 30 minutes to an hour at the half way point eating, drinking and chatting. The participants - YOU - is what makes the Gents Race special.


Only 65% of the teams finished with all five team members.

  • 37 Teams signed up
  • 35 Teams Started
  • 24 Teams Finished
You are ALL Winners, but the BIKEIOWA Team #1 finished first with a course record of 3:50:52 (yeah, they feel a little guilty) followed by Sakari/Kyles Bikes of 3:47:12, then DILLIGAF of 3:57:15, and Zealous Racing 3:46:30. Ahh the beauty of the handicap staggered start times.


KUDOS to these fine folks for making this event happen

  • Rob, Kyle and Bruce - the Organizers
  • Maria Maria von Ruhtenberg - Start-master and finish line
  • Jeff Mertz - Check point commander, drop-bag dude, god of all results
  • Paul & Christy Varnum - Registration ninjas
  • Kyle's Bikes - Staging area host
  • Jethros - post party host
  • CVAST dudes for bringin' prizes

Makin' Memories - Photos & Video

Thanks to Jeff and Fox Corcoran, Dave Mable, Tom Anderson, and Ken Sherman for snappin' pics-n-vid. If you have links to photos from this event, let us know and we will add your link.

Next Year

Each year, we learn new things to make the race a better experience for the next year. If you have feedback, we'd love to hear it. Either leave comments below.. Or send an email to the Organizers.

Ken Sherman Video  - a great depiction of the day!



Distance - 75 or so miles


The Cycling Team would like to request the presence of you and 4 teammates for The Gents Race 3.0 on April 6, 2013.

This will be the 3rd year of the Gent's race. In 2011 15 teams came to play.  30 teams (145 "gents") threw down in 2012. We expect 2013 to bigger yet. Oh yeah.. stick around afterwards for a post-party!

START TIME - will be at 8AM.
will be a 5 minute bike ride from Kyles Bikes
FINISH - will be a 5 minute bike ride from Kyles Bikes.
POST-PARTY -  will be JETHROS in Ankeny!  party room is reserved!


Glad you asked!  To directly quote the folks at Rapha that started the whole concept (and that we’ve blatantly stolen it from): ‘I sold it to the racers as an unsupported, unsanctioned, unmarshalled, five-rider team time trial meets alley-cat, meets ‘Cannonball Run’…….

So there you have it. 5 teammates (friends), racing for nothing more than pride over the roads north of Ankeny. 65 (or so) miles of mostly gravel.

Winners get nothing but pride and high-fives.

No money to enter, no money to win.

It will be fun.


  • 4-2-2013 12:00am - Closed Registration. 37 Teams will compete. Captains - watch for you email soon that will contain your start time and other information.
  • 3-6-2013 8:35pm - decreased mileage from 75 to 65 and updated a bunch more info
  • 3-6-2013 8:15am - Registration went LIVE  (exactly 1 month from race day)
  • 2-27-2013 9:20 pm - working on the registration form and other details...
  • 1-18-2013 9:45 pm - We have a route. I repeat. We have a route.
  • 11-26-2012 9:44 pm - Event posted...


Yes: No cheating. No working with/drafting off of other teams. All teammates must stay together at all times. No bad attitudes. No outside support. Be Gentlemen (or ladies).

To make it interesting teams will be staged according to your team's potential. If you have a fast team then you will be one of the last teams to start the race. For instance - first team left the starting line last year at 8am sharp while the last team left at 9:30am. The race is a time handicapped race. It makes for a very interesting finish.

There will be a small ride to get to the START LINE. Remember, there WILL be a staggered start for each team. First team goes off at 8AM, with each remaining team rolling out at equally spaced intervals yet to be determined.

You are responsible for YOU-you are doing this event at YOUR risk. For you, by you. Take care of yourself. Ride smart. Roads will be open to traffic. Dogs will come say hello. Miles will add up. NO neutral support. NO sag wagon. NO power food sponsorship. Again, you are doing this BY CHOICE.

There will be a mandatory checkpoint at or around the race halfway point. Here, you will also have access to your drop bag (one per team).

Your TEAM CAPTAIN will register the complete team below. We are shutting it down at midnight on April 1st 2013. You must be registered by then or no gents for you.

Teams can be comprised of all males, all females or a mix of both.

All staging handicaps are final. Our team of Nerf-ball engineers have devised a special algorithm to ensure every team has the correct handicap.


I have a Team of 5. Cool - Register below.

I have a Team but need one or more person. Almost there - You can request a teammate via our [Facebook page].

I am looking for a Team. Sure Thang.- You can put you name out via our [Facebook page].

Time penalties will occur for any changes to your roster AFTER registration. No exceptions.


The ONLY correspondence going out to your team will go to your TEAM CAPTAIN, it’s their responsibility to relay information to you.
General information and updates about The Gents Race can always be found right here.

We will send you your assigned start time on or around April 3rd.

Questions, concerns or issues? We’re here to help.

Rob (
Kyle (
Bruce (


Registration is closed.


gravel and some pavement north and east of Ankeny


Kyle's Bikes

1840 SW White Birch Circle
Ankeny, IA 50023


No money to enter, no money to win.

Sorry, Registration closed at midnight on April 1st. Better luck next year.


Who Posted

  • Posted Nov 27, 2012 by ss
  • Modified Apr 9, 2013 by BikeIowa
  • Recap Posted Apr 9, 2013



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Gents Race 3.0 Results Posted

  • Mon April 08 2013
  •   63,718




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