

YO! Just lettin' ya know that this event occurred in the past. So don't go planning your day around this one.


Thu Jun 21 2018 5:00 PM - 11:00 PM


Wabash Trace Nature Trail
Council Bluffs, IA


Taco Ride


Party Ride

Distance - approx 10 miles each way

The Taco Ride takes place each Thursday evening on the Wabash Trace Nature Trail, from Council Bluffs, Iowa to Mineola, Iowa and back. For many, the Thursday night ride is a scenic trek through the Loess Hills ending with dinner at the Mineola Steakhouse. For others, the Taco Ride is a social event filled with cycling, scenery and a festive, party atmosphere. Everyone agrees that Thursday on the Wabash is something special.

As the trail became popular, cyclists discovered the Thursday night taco special offered at the bar in Silver City. However, the ride destination shifted to the closer town of Mineola when the bar in Silver City closed. The Mineola Steakhouse soon began offering their own tacos and beer special. Before long, the nickname "Taco Ride" was coined and the name stuck to describe what has become a weekly event for many. From the time the trail is dry enough in the spring until late in the fall, this Thursday night bike riding ritual takes place.

Most riders start at the trail head on the south side of Council Bluffs south of the Highway 92 and Highway 275 intersection near Lewis Central School. Parking is available at the trail head. As you begin your journey down the Wabash, you are quickly out of the city and your scenic ride through the Iowa countryside and the Loess Hills begins. The first two miles are relatively flat. Next you begin a gradual climb for the next four miles until you reach Dumfries. Alongside the trail you will find a picnic area that is affectionately nicknamed "Margaritaville" by riders. Slightly more than halfway, many riders will stop for a quick break and to join in conversation with fellow bikers or to partake in refreshments they brought with them. From Margaritaville, it is a slight downhill ride into Mineola. The Mineola Steakhouse is located several blocks off the trail. Some riders get headed down the trail by mid-afternoon while others ride late into the night.

For cyclists who prefer a longer ride or a quieter dining atmosphere, they may enjoy riding four additional miles south to Silver City. It is a relatively easy ride and the trail is both scenic and not crowded with bikers. If you ride quietly, you have a chance to spot wildlife in the fields along the trail. Once in Silver City, the Silver City Saloon offers a wide variety of food on their menu.

Note: Unlike most of the rides listed here, the Taco Ride is a weekly event. It runs every Thursday evening during most of the year.

Image result for taco ride wabash 


Wabash Trace Nature Trail, from Council Bluffs, Iowa to Mineola, Iowa.

If you plan to ride at night in either Iowa or Nebraska, you are required by law to have lights on your bike for safety purposes.  This law does apply if you are riding the Wabash Trace and the Taco Ride.

Iowa, the law requires that you have a white light on the front and either a red light or reflector on the rear.  The lights must be visible from 300 feet.

In Nebraska, the requires that you have a light on the front and a red reflector* on the rear.  In addition, Nebraska requires side reflectors and reflectors on either your shoes or pedals.


Wabash Trace Nature Trail

Wabash Trace Nature Trail
Council Bluffs, IA 


$1 per day or $10 per year


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