
  • Holly Hines
  • Fri June 24 2016
  • Posted Jun 24, 2016
A portion of the Iowa River Trail near Highway 6 and the Mercer Park playground on Bradford Drive closed Wednesday as a result of high water levels according to the city.

A city news release said the Iowa River Trail segment closed due to high water levels and will reopen after the Iowa River level recedes. Barricades are in place, the release said.

"City of Iowa City trail users should exercise extreme caution when using trails near bodies of water and be aware of the possibility of high water and flash floods," the release said.

A second news release from the city said the Mercer Park playground at 2701 Bradford Drive also closed due to flooding and will remain closed until the water recedes.

Fencing has been installed to block off the playground, the release said, and the city is asking residents to keep children away from the playground because the water "poses a serious safety risk."

Updates on the status of the closures can be found at






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