
The Old Creamery Nature Trail continues to see growth and improvement. As the trail approaches its 20th anniversary in 2015, there are a few enhancements on the horizon. The first plan is to re-surface the trail and make other improvements. The trail committee applied for and received the Iowa Recreational Trail Grant worth $180,000. The grant stated that in order to receive the grant, the recipients must raise 20% of that money, or $36,000. “We raised over $50,000 over a four or five month time period,” said committee member, Randy Scheel.

The Iowa Recreational Trail Grant will work towards making developments on the trail such as addressing any wash out areas, installing a weed barrier and putting down crushed limestone. “We’ve received a lot of enthusiasm about the trail since receiving the grant,” said Scheel.

The next project that the committee is working on is a rest area for the trail. The rest area will be where the Old Creamery Theatre once stood. It will include a shaded pavilion, water station, benches, and landscaping. The funding for the rest area is coming from a $7,500 grant the committee received from Wellmark. The grant money will specifically go towards the rest area project. The Old Creamery Nature Trail Rest Area was one of 16 projects that received a grant from Wellmark.

The goal is to connect the trail, rest area and Garrison Public Library. There will also be a walkway from trail, to the rest area and extending to the library. The majority of the work on the trail and rest area will begin in the spring of 2015. “Our little town still has a heartbeat and that is great to see,” said Scheel.





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