
  • Thu August 23 2012
  • Posted Aug 23, 2012
As many of you know vehicle parking close to the bridge has really been a problem on QF lane (gravel road just east of bridge). I'm happy to announce that a new parking lot has been added about 130 meters north of the trail on the west side of QF lane. It looks as though there will be room for about 25 vehicles. Hopefully this will alleviate parking on QF lane and people getting tickets.

From Dave Weidt:
"The parking lot @QFlnis "done". We have it open for parking as of tonight. We will be putting up signs over the next couple weeks andhavinga ribbon cutting to follow. The rock is fresh and will takea coupleweeks to pack in tight like the other one. In the meantime, if you go out to look at it,maybe drive a few slow circles. :) and kick in any ruts caused by spinning tires."

View QF Lane Parking in a larger map





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