
  • Fri May 11 2007
  • Posted May 11, 2007
Plans to build a pedestrian bridge linking Sioux City and Dakota Dunes is in question tonight. During a tour of the proposed site at Riverside Park today city officials realized the bridge would link Sioux City to a dirt path on the other side of the river and an undeveloped part of the Dunes. The revelation prompted more than one city council member to dub the project... "a bridge to nowhere." After an idea to link up with the Dunes' residential trail got shot down by homeowners there... Sioux City leaders hoped the path would at the very least, link up to the town's business park. Now, they're not so sure. "I am concerned about the improvements being made on the South Dakota side. It was our understanding that once the bridge connection was made, that the improvements on the South Dakota side would be adequate to allow the trail system to continue from Sioux City and the Iowa side into South Dakota," said Craig Berenstein, Mayor. The city council is looking at a second option... that would bypass the Dunes all together... and connect to North Sioux City with the current bridge on Military Road. But, that plan is more costly and would require the city to acquire more land. The first plan would cost $62,000. The second... over $220,000 and wouldn't be completed until 2012.

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