
  • Thu July 13 2006
  • Posted Jul 13, 2006
A good friend of TEAMSKIN is battling cancer. Team Skin wants to help "pay the bills" by auctioning off their one of a kind jersey sporting their world famous logo! Be the only person not riding with TEAMSKIN to own one of these highly sought after jerseys!
SIZE men's Large...Jersey is just like this, except where this pic shows BLUE, it is RED in color. BID HERE here is a real-life Team Skin member sporting last year's jersey. See how the jersey makes him look much taller and more prominent than anyone else in the bar!?! He's almost floating! YOU too could look like this if YOU win the jersey.
All proceeds go to Ami, who is 33 years old and was diagnosed with breast cancer when she was 3 months pregnant with her third child. During her pregnancy, she went through multiple surgeries and months of chemo. On April 12th, she had her baby girl and thought she would soon be back to work. Two weeks after the birth, she found out she has a very rare type of cancer in her liver. Ami is now seeking treatment at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester and the University of Pittsburgh. THANKS! Team Skin members

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