
  • Posted Jan 26, 2004

We will help you write a letter! Make a difference for IOWA Cycling!

[last updated Jan 28th 7:10pm] The Senate File 2032 will become eligible for debate on Thursday Jan 29 2004 (tomorrow), but nothing is on the calendar for this as of yet. SEND YOUR LETTER TODAY! Thanks for your interest in contacting your Iowa Legislator regarding this bill. We would like you to consider a few things before calling, writing or emailing. How Can I find out who my Legislators are? Know who they are? Find their e-mail here: We welcome those cyclists from out of state to contact Iowa Legislators too!! The bill is not yet scheduled for debate. The Senate Majority Leader Stewart Iverson will decide if and when this bill will be debated. Contact Senator Iverson and let him know your concerns. His address is:
  1. Hand-written notes are preferred for Senators or Representatives.
  2. Keep your remarks POSITIVE and not PERSONAL against Senator Putney.
  3. If you want to write your own note and not use the provided template, consider using these points in your correspondence:
    • We APPRECIATE and USE Iowa's trails and WANT MORE.
    • Support rider EDUCATION about common sense choices of what is the SAFEST route to ride your bicycle for HEALTH and RECREATION.
    • Propose funding for and clubs for education
  4. Email your remarks every person you know, recommend drafting for local newspapers, and regional websites.
Thanks to all the cyclists who have developed, drafted and proofed this letter!

### Dear Senator/Representative ___________________, I write you today to oppose Senate File 2032, proposing removal of cyclists from four-lane roads where cycling trails lie adjacent. I greatly appreciate Iowa's strong system of trails and roadways and the dedication to providing excellent opportunities for health, recreation and tourism. As an active cyclist in the state of Iowa, I use cycling or multi-use trails ___# of times used___ annually, riding over ____mileage____ a year. I also ride on many public roadways as well, adhering to the rules of the road and bicycle safety. Clearly, education is the short and long-term solution to Senate File 2032. Cyclists and motorists need continual education about safe choices when sharing the road. This includes public safety announcements, signage and training for cyclists and motorists. The entire population of Iowa must be educated about bicycle safety, whether or not Senate File 2032 is passed. I would urge you to recommend education as the only course of action, instead of a law that would fine cyclists. By providing resources to land managers, local bicycling clubs and statewide organizations, Iowa cyclists can be educated about the safest choices for riding bicycles, including helmets and routes, and improve use of bicycles for health, recreation and transportation. Thank you for your consideration and support in this matter. Sincerely, SIGNED ###

Latest SF 2032 - Proposed Amendments [Remember - these are only 'proposed' amendements. Amendments can work in our favor by making the bill unappealing and hard to enforce and administer. I's sure there will be more added to the list.]
  • DOT will place "Bicycling Prohibited" signs at every road intersection with the specified 17 miles of divided highway and rec. trail roads.
  • Increase annual state DOT funding on recreational trails by $10M.
  • Increase funding to Department of Education by $1M to support cycling education and effective cycling curriculum.
  • Require that the official State of Iowa roadmap identify the 17 miles of road that cycling is prohibited on.
  • Require that the Iowa State Patrol report annually to the General Assembly on the number of citations issued to cyclists riding on the identified 17 miles of roads.
  • On state and county highways motor vehicles must move at least ten feet away from bicycles when they pass.
  • The state DOT will develop a competitive grant program for cities and counties to acquire "share the road" signs. DOT will appropriate $500,000 a year, for three years.
It is not know when the actual debate day is. It will come sooner than expected. Stay tuned for more info! Past news articles on Senate File 2032 (formally known as SF 2001)

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