
  • Posted Sep 3, 2002

The Des Moines Marathon - a fantastic event in the Heartland's Capital! See how cyclists will be helping out!

Thje first annual DES MOINES MARATHON and HALF-MARATHON will be held Sunday October 6th, 2002. Over 1,000 runners are planned to run the race along with thousands of spectators to cheer them on. The Des Moines Marathon web site is up for awards, and the race coordinator is up for coordinator of the year and the race isn't even here! The Des Moines Marathon, Half-Marathon, Expo, Pasta Party and Post-Race activities will become a tradition that brings people together. We hope you will join us. How are cyclists involved? BIKEIOWA i has incorporated about 20 cyclsits who will act as bike medics and course support. Some cylists will be assigned certain runners ( Lead male, lead female, a visually impaired runner, etc.) and others will ride along with the pack of runners ensuring the course is clear and no one is injured. BIKEIOWA is proud to be associated with this event and feels it will indeed become tradition. There still are a few slots open for cyclists. email if interested. Be sure to stop by the EXPO, Pasta Party and Post-Race activities the night before and the day of the race. Check out all the details on the web site: Des Moines Marathon

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