
  • Posted Mar 13, 2015

IMBCS is an annual series of cross-country mountain bike races held throughout Iowa. Each individual event has its own race director, and offers its own awards.

The series has a point system in place to award competitors at the end of the season in their respective race categories. This allows riders to travel around the state and compete at different venues while earning points toward a series championship.

Each race, and the series as a whole, offers different levels of competition.

Check the Flyer below for all the race dates, click on the individual event links below, or visit for more details.

There are NOVICE CAT III and JUNIOR races for those who are looking for fun or are just new to the sport. COMP and CAT II SPORT races provide an opportunity for those looking to move up to new challenges, and CAT I EXPERT races allow riders to test
themselves against the best. Some venues offer a MARATHON CATEGORY for those who are looking to go long. KIDS RACES encourage the next generation. The IMBCS advisory board works to promote, organize, and schedule mountain bike racing in Iowa.

The Iowa Mountain Bike Championship Series is dedicated to providing a series of mountain bike races with different levels of competition for Iowans of all ages and mountain biking abilities. This means that everyone can get involved from the seasoned experienced rider to the first time rider to those riders who only compete for fun and socialization.


Yahoo Group


The Iowa Mountain Bike Championship Series is dedicated to providing a series of mountain bike races with different levels of competition for Iowans of all ages and mountain biking abilities. This means that everyone can get involved from the seasoned experienced rider to the first time rider to those riders who only compete for fun and socialization.

Board Members

Director: Bruce Brown
Advisory Board:Tom Anderson, Kevin Betters, Rick Blackford, Rob Cook, Cheryl Dralle, TJ Fort, Katherine Roccasecca, Kyle Sedore
Series Points Coordinator: Rob Cook
Website Coordinators:Katherine Roccasecca & Eric Roccasecca



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