
  • Posted Aug 4, 2013

Come join the fun! All are welcome as we "celebrate the bicycle and those who ride it!" August 9-11 in Jefferson Iowa.

The Iowa Bicycle Festival was set for May 25th until rain storms put a kabosh on the festival. The rain date of August 10th is fast approaching. We hope you can come to Jefferson that weekend!

Here is the full schedule of events for the Iowa Bicycle Festival on Saturday August 10 in Jefferson, along with the Friday evening ice cream social preliminary and the Sunday morning follow-up pancake breakfast! Come join the fun! All are welcome as we "celebrate the bicycle and those who ride it!"


Jefferson, Iowa
August 9, 10, 11


FRIDAY, August 9

6:30 p.m. – PIGS (“Paired Iowans Going Somewhere” on tandem bicycles) “Ice Cream Ride” from the Abraham Lincoln statue on the south side of the Greene County Courthouse. Bicycle riders from the public are also welcome to join this cruise around Jefferson.
6:30 p.m. – Von Ketelsen performing on guitar and vocals, courthouse plaza. And Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower will have extended open hours into the evening.
7:30 p.m. -- PIGS ice cream social, courthouse plaza, and the public is invited.
8 p.m. – “Heads or Tails” contest on courthouse plaza. Then, a pig calling contest right there.

SATURDAY, August 10

8 a.m. – Ride the RRVT, depart from Jefferson Depot
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. – Rare and antique bicycles display, Greene County Historical Museum in the museum.
10 a.m. to 4 p.m. – Vendors open on square. Also:
• Bicycle-themed art show, All Ability Cycles shop
• Spin art, powered by bike, east side of square.
• Iced fruit drinks blended by bike, east side of square.
• Information booths, courthouse lawn.
• Big Wheels rides for adults, east side of square.
• Mahanay Memorial Carillon Tower open for tours.
11 a.m. – Parade, sponsored by Kum & Go, assembling at Russell Park, proceeding north on Chestnut Street and around the square. Bike decorating and costumes are encouraged, and there will be prizes. There will also be an attempt to set the U.S. record for greatest number of recumbent trikes coupled together in a “trike train.”
11:30 a.m. – Lunch grilled by Jefferson Kiwanis Club.
12 noon – Another “Heads or Tails” contest on courthouse plaza.
12 to 1:30 p.m. – Music by Rick Morain & Jim Magdefrau, courthouse plaza.
12 to 4 p.m. – Bicycle Tricks & Treats, east side of square.
12 to 4 p.m. – RAGBRAI team buses on display, north side of square. Vote for your favorite, with prizes of $250, $200 and $100 for winning buses!
12 to 4 p.m. – Show of classic bicycles, southeast corner of square.
12 to 4 p.m. – Paint the RAGBRAI team bus northeast area of square, with graffiti artist Taylor Smith.
1 p.m. – Bicycle tours of Jefferson, leaving from the Lincoln Statue, led by Don & Jean Van Gilder. Repeated later if more want to go.
1 p.m. – Stan Dahl, director of Tropical Steel Drum Band, “making music with bicycle parts,” north side of courthouse.
1:30 p.m. – Bicycle apparel fashion show, courthouse plaza.
2 p.m. – Watermelon feed, north side of courthouse.
2 p.m. – Another “Heads or Tails” contest on courthouse plaza.
2 p.m. – John & Ces Brunow, the story of All Ability Cycles, courthouse plaza.
2 to 4 p.m. – Tropical Steel Band, north side of courthouse.
3 p.m. – Bicycle apparel fashion show is repeated, courthouse plaza.
All day long at the Raccoon River Valley Trail – For those riding the trail, the Jefferson Depot at the trailhead will be open as a “cooling station” with trail information, cold water and restrooms.
Saturday night – PIGS banquet and annual business meeting (private).

SUNDAY, August 11

8 a.m. – PIGS and bicycle riders from the public will meet at the Jefferson Depot to ride to a pancake breakfast by the Grand Junction Lions Club at the city park on East Elizabeth Street in Grand Junction. The public is welcome to drive to the breakfast, too.

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