
  • Sun March 15 2015
  • Posted Mar 15, 2015
CORRECTION: It was a runner (not a cyclist) who noticed the lady in the ditch. The runner flagged down a cyclist to call 911, so they could stay with the lady until help arrived.


Last Tuesday, March 10th a passing cyclist noticed something that was not right in a ditch on the High Trestle Trail a couple miles outside of Ankeny near the intersection of 36th St and NW 26th St.

The cyclist noticed a younger female in the ditch who had attempted suicide. The cyclist immediately called 911, then we to comfort the female.

Police and medical personell were there in under 10 minutes and were able to take the female to the hospital which she was still coherent.

The young female was not cycling at the time and apparently drove her car to the side of the gravel road and walked down the trail.

KUDOS to the cyclist for being aware of their surrounding and taking action to save someone's life!

No other details are available at this time.





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